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What a Wacky World We Live in (standard:humor, 905 words)
Author: GodspenmanAdded: Apr 02 2023Views/Reads: 473/301Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
David used “wacky” to his advantage. That worked for him and after giving some thought, maybe that could work for my advantage. Of course, David was acting and I probably am not.

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“So, if you are not acting, you are the silliest person I have ever

According to her, you can't be silly and grown-up at the same time. 

I asked her for more ideas about growing up. 

“The next thing you need to do is stop thinking every situation is a

Pondering this, I'm not sure I will ever grow up if that is true. I see
a joke where The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage sees something 
serious. She's much more grown-up than I ever will be. 

“There is a positive side to this wacky world of ours.” The Gracious
Mistress of the Parsonage looked at me smiling. Then she continued, “If 
the world weren't as wacky as it is, people would see that you're 

I did not know what she meant by that and would not press that point.
The fact that she mentioned that is a plus for me, and I won't 
undermine that. 

After all of this, I wonder if it's worth growing up. What good does it
do to grow up when those people around you aren't? Maybe wacky is not 
that bad. 

On the bright side, I'm going to try. 

I couldn't help but think of one of the strangest stories about David in
1 Samuel 21, “And he [David] changed his behaviour before them, and 
feigned himself mad in their hands, and scrabbled on the doors of the 
gate, and let his spittle fall down upon his beard. Then said Achish 
unto his servants, Lo, ye see the man is mad: wherefore then have ye 
brought him to me? Have I need of mad men, that ye have brought this 
fellow to play the mad man in my presence? Shall this fellow come into 
my house?” 

David used “wacky” to his advantage. That worked for him and after
giving some thought, maybe that could work for my advantage. Of course, 
David was acting and I probably am not.


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