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The Trip (standard:humor, 1485 words)
Author: scouserAdded: Jan 14 2003Views/Reads: 3427/2041Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Memoirs of my first away trip to watch a football match

Click here to read the first 75 lines of the story

myself trembling in the back seat. Before we knew it we where being 
dragged from the car and handcuffed to the door pillar through the open 
window by two policemen, who then proceeded to give chase after our 
fleeing travelling companions. “Me Mam will kill me, me Mam will kill 
me” Dave kept repeating as the tears rolled down his cheeks, “I'm the 
one she's going to kill” I said, she always blames me for everything 
she thinks I'm a bad influence, if she only knew half of it. The police 
arrived back with our two thugs in tow and threw them into the back of 
the police car, and after interviewing them came and released us from 
the handcuffs. It took about half an hour to convince them that we 
where innocent of any wrongdoings “all we wanted to do was go to 
Manchester and see the game” I pleaded. They told us they knew we had 
nothing to do with the stealing of the car, and informed us we would be 
needed to appear in court as witnesses. They would be arranging for us 
to be returned to Liverpool straight away by police car because they 
needed to speak to our parents. It was a long silent ride back to 
Liverpool, Dave just stared out the window all the way mumbling to him 
self “me Mam will kill me” while I was cheesed off with the thought of 
missing the game. All hell broke out when we arrived back; Dave was 
grounded for two weeks and was not allowed to socialise with me for 
bringing shame to the neighbourhood. Apparently the last time a police 
car was in our street was when Mr Bow tried to kick his front door down 
when his wife wouldn't let him in because he was drunk, and that was 
Christmas Eve two years earlier. I felt like Jack the Ripper as I 
stepped out of that police car, I could see all the prying eyes 
watching me from behind half-drawn curtains and could imagine the 
comments of “I always knew he was a villain ” being uttered by gob 
smacked residents.  After the police left my dad called me into the 
parlour, “ this is it” I thought you see the parlour only gets used for 
serious matters, like talks on the birds and the bees or when Farther 
O'Mally calls. He sat down next to me on the couch and proceeded to 
mumble his way through some lecture about the dangers of hitch-hiking. 
Then he asked me if I knew what the score was “I've no idea” I replied 
and with a big smile on his face he proceeded to tell me that 
Manchester City won 3-0, Summerbee, Bell and Lee scoring. My old man is 
a nice bloke, but he's got no tact and absolutely no idea about 
football, I mean how could he, he's an Evertonian. 


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