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Samantha Jones In the Land That Time Forgot (standard:adventure, 4206 words)
Author: Waldo PepperAdded: Jul 27 2004Views/Reads: 3267/2162Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Samantha Jones and Rebecca West wile in a remote area of the Amazon jungle help locate a missing professor that is searching for a lost world.

Click here to read the first 75 lines of the story

that was suppose to lead to a high plateau that was filled with ancient 
mystic creatures. When he presented this map to the Boston Adventures 
Club the members all laughed and took him for a fool for purchasing 
such a worthless document. He swore that he would prove them all wrong 
if they would only give him a chance and finance an expedition to this 
mysterious plateau. Lord Roxton and Professor Summerlee were nominated 
by the club to go along and a Boston Tribune reporter named Susan 
Corbett volunteered to keep an accurate record of the expedition. I can 
now say that this high plateau really does exist and may have already 
taken their lives." 

"Did you actually climb to the top of this plateau Miss Challenger,"
said Samantha? 

"No, No, not exactly," she replied suddenly turning  pale. "As we
approached its base Professor Summerlee and I were suddenly attacked by 
a large bird and if it wasn't for Lord Roxton's expertise with a rifle 
the two of us would not be sitting across from you now." 

"Yes he attack was rather frightening," said Professor Summerlee. "I
believe the creature that threatened us was a giant Pteranadon." 

My knowlewdge of palentology is rather rusty professor," said Rebecca.
"But hasn't that creature been extinct for over two million years?" 

"Yes it has Miss West," he replied. "Lord Roxton hit the creature
several times with his rifle but was not able to kill it only drive it 
away. I was not able to make a positive identification but I would 
state my reputation on the fact  that it was that ancient reptile." 

"What happened next professor," said Samantha? 

"By nightfall we reached the base of the plateau and a path that would
take us to the top," he replied. "We made camp there and some of the 
sounds that I heard later on that night coming from the top of that 
mesa would make your blood run cold. It is as if there is a Lost World 
right here in South America." 

"As Professor Summerlee said we were camped at the base of the plateau
for the night," said Miss Challenger. "I too heard the terrible screams 
that came from the top and was terrified.  About dawn I drifted into a 
heavy sleep and when I awoke my father, Lord Roxton, and Miss Corbett 
were gone. The professor and I waited for three days for their return 
and then went for help." 

"An interesting story Miss Challenger," said Colonel Sharp. "Of course
we shall all set out to search for the missing trio but the Devil's 
Playground with its high plateaus and large grassy wasteland is a land 
of mystery. The natives say that the spirits inhabit these places and 
never venture there. As far as a Lost World existing there that is yet 
another question." 

"Will you be able to led us back to this plateau Miss Challenger," said

"Yes, I think so," she replied. "It is a two day's journey to the north
of here." 

"We shall find this plateau of yours with no problem Miss Challenger,"
said Colonel Sharp. "My guide Manuel Rodregez is an excellent tracker 
and shot with a long or short rifle.  He has also hunted in the Devil's 
Playground and shall be enviable to us. We shall leave first thing in 
the morning." 

Early the next morning the rescue party set out with Miss Challenger and
Manuel leading the way. Manuel seemed at home in the jungle and had 
worked for Colonel Sharp as foreman of the plantation. He would also 
take the odd television crew that happened by into the jungle to film a 
nature special and was even friendly with some of  the natives. Manuel 
made certain that Colonel Sharp took along a vast array of high powered 
hunting rifles and enough ammunition to wage a war. He also suggested 
that they pack four cases of a new thermal charge that they had just 
finished testing for the United States Government and found successful. 

By the end of the first day the rescue party had emerged from the dense
jungle and camped on the edge of a large grassy plain. This grassland 
seemed to go in every direction and was known as the Devil's 
Playground. Distant hills loomed towards the north and it was towards 
these that they were heading. 

The grassland that we entered this afternoon looks as though it could go
on forever," said Samantha as the group sat around a small campfire 
eating an evening meal. "Has anyone explored any of it?" 

"No, not really Miss West," replied Manuel. "The natives claim that the
evil spirits of their dead hide in the grass and will not even hunt 
here. colonel sharp and I have gained their confidence and they allow 
us to travel back and forth but no other. We have hunted in the area 
that we are now in but have never ventured any distance to the north." 

"And to the north is were we must go," said Miss Challenger. "To those
distant hills we saw just before nightfall. There is were we will find 
the plateau." 

The next morning the small group set out once more on the next leg of
their journey moving ever closer towards the distant hills.  Towards 
noon Manuel noticed that Professor Summerlee seemed to be falling back 
from the others and was constantly peering into the sky as if he were 
searching for something. 

"Do keep up Professor Summerlee," said Manuel. "We shall never get to
that plateau at the rate that you are going." 

"I am sorry Manuel," he replied stopping for a moment. "But it was
somewhere around here that I was first attacked by that giant 
Pteranadon. The whole experience has left me a little shaken." 

"Think nothing of it Professor," said Colonel Sharp. "My trusty
Webley-Scott will settle the score for you if the creature appears." 

By late afternoon they had reached the distant hills and their
destination a giant cliff that fan straight up over fifty feet.  It was 
then covered with an outcropping of vines and roots for another seventy 
five feet to the top. Miss Challenger pointed out the narrow path that 
would enable them to reach the summit and Samantha wondered what would 
be waiting for them there. A small stream ran past the cliff and 
Colonel Sharp suggested that they set up camp there. 

"This rock face is fantastic," said Samantha as Rebecca stood at her
side. "I have never seen anything so large. If it wasn't for that path 
there would be no way to reach the top." 

"Yes, and Lord knows what will be waiting for us at the crest," she
replied. "I have a bad feeling about this place and the sooner we find 
Professor Challenger and the others and get out of here the better. 

A cheerful fire was made by the stream and an evwening meal prepared.
After everyone had eaten their fill Colonel Sharp called attention to 
the path that would take themto the top of the plateau. 

"I think we should begin the climb tomorrow in full daylight,"he said
sipping his coffee. "This is a very steep narrow path that we have to 
travel so watch your footing and go slow.  Manuel and I will led and be 
followed by Miss Jones, Miss West and a pack horse with our supplies.  
Professor Summerlee and Miss Challenger will bring up the rear and 
professor take careful note of the vegetation as you go. I am not a 
trained botanist but the vines I saw just above the rock face this 
afternoon are not like I have ever seen in this part of the Amazon. Now 
I suggest that we all get a good nights sleep for tomorrow will be a 
long day." 

The next morning the group set out slowly climbing the the narrow path.
In about an hour they had reached the summit and looked over a 
landscape that no human has seen for over two million years. 

"This is fantastic," said Professor Summerlee looking about. "Do you
realize that the insects and plants that are growing here have been 
extinct for over two million years. Professor Challenger has indeed 
found his lost kingdom a place were time has been forgotten." 

"Yes, but how does a place like this exist professor," said Colonel
Sharp. "Locations like this only exist in cheap dime novels." 

"I would say much has to do with its remote location and access," he
replied. "Also the formation of clouds form an insulation over this 
entire area. I have also noted some minor volcanic activity which is 
not unlike that which occurred throughout the world during the Jurassic 

"This has all been very interesting Professor," said Colonel Sharp. "But
what other little surprises does this plateau hold for us? and what has 
become of Professor Challenger and Lord Roxton? It will take months to 
search this vast area and to what end. We may never locate them." 

"Not necessarily Colonel," replied Samantha. "You claim that Lord Roxton
is an excellent hunter and outdoorsman.  They will need fresh water to 
drink and a shelter to sleep or hide from some of the creatures that 
live here. Perhaps a cave, an old campfire, or some spent cartridges 
will give us a clue to their wareabouts." 

"An excellent point Miss Jones," he said. "And we are fortunate to have
Manuel to scout and track for us. If anyone can find them it will be 

"I think that we should have a very good chance of finding them," said
Manuel. "I have discovered a fresh water stream that is running in the 
direction of those distant hills. Lord Roxton has probably used this 
stream as a pathway for travel for the underbrush is too thick to go 
any other way. The hills may be a mile or two from here and could 
contain a cave that would give them some shelter." 

"I think we should follow this stream and see were it leads," said
Colonel Sharp. "But everyone stay alert for we still don't know what 
dangers lay about." 

The stream ran through some thick underbrush and Professor Summerlee was
amazed at the extinct species of plants and insects that he saw. As a 
trained Paleinintologist he had studied drawings of these but to see 
them first hand was astounding.  After about half a mile the stream 
broke out of the underbrush and ran straight towards the hills over a 
short grassy plain. As they grew near colonel Sharp could make out what 
appeared to be a cave in one of the hills and as they approached he 
found that he was right. 

"There appears to be a fresh campfire here," said Manuel. "Perhaps Lord
Roxton and Professor Challenger are not far away." 

"Yes, and they have left some tinned goods just inside the cave," said
Rebecca. "This is definitely their campsite." 

Suddenly a rifle shot was heard from the north of were the group stood
and this was followed by another. Manuel quickly scampered up the side 
of the hill to see were the shots were coming from.  As he scanned the 
horizon with his field glasses he was able to make out three people 
about five hundred to a thousand yards to the north. 

"Three people that way Colonel," he shouted! "They may need our help." 

Manuel and Colonel Sharp began to run in the direction of the shots and
when they grew near the Colonel saw three people desperately trying to 
fight off a winged reptile that was attacking them. the creature 
suddenly swooped down and picked up the woman of the group in its claws 
and lifted her into the air. Lord Roxton fired his rifle at the 
creature wounding it but not bringing it down. The giant winged reptile 
flew over a high cliff and it's its pray down for a moment for a rest. 
As Manuel and sharp came into range of the creature they both fired 
their weapons killing it instantly. 

"Professor Challenger," called Colonel Sharp. "It's good to finally find

"Sharp, Edweena," he replied running towards the two men who were now
joined by the rest of the group. "Were in God's name did you come 

"We have all  been searching for you father," said Miss Challenger.
"Thank God you are safe." 

"Yes, thanks to you and your guide's straight shooting Colonel," said
Professor Challenger. "That evil reptile almost had us." 

"Apparently this plateau has many nasty surprises," said Colonel Sharp.
"Now that we have found you I suggest that we all get out of here as 
quickly as possible." 

"That may not be so easy Colonel," said Professor Summerlee. "In the
past few hours the volcanic activity in this area has increased ten 
fold. This whole plateau could erupt at any moment." 

As Professor Summerlee finished speaking they were joined by Lord Roxton
and Susan Corbett.  Roxton had rushed off to escort the young woman off 
the cliff and now she looked pale and shaken but alight. 

It is good to see you and your party Colonel Sharp," he said taking a
drink from his canteen. "That was a magnificent shot you made at that 
reptile. Now perhaps we can all get off this dreadful plateau." 

"Yes, I plan to depart from this cursed plateau as quickly as possible,"
he said. "Professor Summerlee has just been telling us that the 
volcanic activity in this area has become extreme. the whole plateau 
could erupt." 

"Susan and I passed some large caves coming down from the cliff," said
Lord Roxton. "Perhaps one of them will led us out of here." 

Lord Roxton led the party back up the cliff to were these cliffs were
located. Samantha, Rebecca and Professor Summerlee took up a position 
were they could look down over the plateau and guard against any 
surprise visit from a creature wile the rest explored the caves. The 
young woman unpacked three or four thermal charges and extra ammunition 
from the pack horse and took up the vantage point beside her comrades. 

"That volcano to the right of us has been doing a lot of rumbling Sam,"
said Rebecca. "And look at all the smoke and ash that is pouring out of 

"Yes, this whole plateau is one large time bomb ready to explode," she
replied. "I hope that one of these caves will led us out of here." 

Suddenly a low roar was heard and slowly lumbering over the short grass
on its hind legs was a gigantic creature.  It was perhaps 16 feet high 
and 40 to 50 feet long. Slowly walking towards the rock face it was as 
if it were looking for something. 

"My God a giant Spinosaurus," said Professor Summerlee.  "The beast must
weigh over 4 tons. all this volcanic activity must have driven him out 
of some fresh water lake." 

"If it comes any closer let him have it Becky," said Samantha arming two
of the thermal charges. "We will give him a little surprise he will not 
soon forget." 

As the creature raised its large crocodile shaped head Rebecca fired her
first shot tearing a large piece of flesh and bone from the monster's 
neck. At the same moment Samantha threw a thermal charge which burst 
into a mass of blinding white hot flame.  Rebecca fired once more this 
time grazing the creatures skull and making him turn his head. All this 
did no real damage to a brute of this size but make him angry and force 
him aback from the rock face for a moment. Another low roar was 
suddenly heard from the distance and the creature turned to face 
another form formable opponent. A huge Triceratop stood not thirty feet 
away and began to paw the ground lowering his massive head armed with 
two razor sharp horns and prepared to charge. 

"This could be a fight to the finish,"said Professor Summerlee. "The
Triceratop is the sworn enemy of our friend here and he looks to be 
wanting to settle an old score." 

The Triceatop was huge and a worthy opponent to the Spinosaurus. the
creature was over 25 feet long and weighed 2 tons. It's head made up 
almost one third of it's body and was almost 10 feet long. The skull of 
this monster reached up 6 feet in length with 3 protective horns and a 
great frill of bone that served for muscle attachment and protection. 
The short horn just above its beak was over 3 feet long and came to a 
sharp jagged point. But for this battle the creature was armed with two 
double-reversed brow horns that were 11 feet long and razor sharp.As 
the two giant creatures stood facing one another the smoking volcano 
suddenly began to erupt throwing molten rock and lava into the sky. 
White hot lava began to spill from from its crater and the whole 
plateau began to rumble and shake from a catastronic earthquake. 

"Come quickly," called Colonel Sharp from the entrance to one of the
caves. "Lord Roxton may have found a way out of here." 

The three quickly made their way to Colonel Sharp's side and were led to
were the rest of the party waited. Lord Roxton then steered the group 
to the furthest cave and a small passageway hidden in its far end. 

"I think this may be a way out," he said pointing his flashlight into
the darkness. "You notice how the passageway slopes sharply downward." 

The group quickly scampered into the gloom and found that after
traveling for about fifty yards the corridor suddenly widened into a 
large underground cavern. The grotto was more then seventy feet wide 
and disappeared into darkness. 

"This is amazing," said Professor Summerlee looking about. "Do you
realize that this bunker may be over two million years old." 

"Now that is fascinating Professor," replied Colonel Sharp. "But we
can't stop to explore just now for this whole mountain is about to 

As they reached the far end of the cavern they came upon a fresh water
pool and Colonel Sharp called for a short rest period. The tarn was 
large and Samantha noticed that a strange mist was rising out of the 
water as it disappeared into the darkness. Feeling uneasy about this 
and what the deep water might hide she took a thermal charge out of her 
knapsack and armed the fuse. 

"Now this pool is interesting is it not Summerlee," said Professor
Challenger?  "And what do you make of that strange mist that is rising 
out of the water?" 

"I would imagine it is the gas given off from the sulfur deposits that
are prevalent in this cavern," he replied. "This whole area is 
saturated with it." 

Suddenly a pair of eyes of another Spinosaurus rose out of the water and
surveyed the group of people resting. This creature also had be   en 
displaced from the fresh water lake by the volcanic activity and now 
enjoyed laying in the cool water of this cavern.  He moved silently 
towards his pray his body partially submerged and covered in mist. All 
of a sudden his clandestine activity was interrupted by another 
volcanic eruption and the shock of this caused the creature to rise out 
of the water and lash about with his long razor sharp teeth. 

"Sam, Professor Summerlee, Challenger get back,"  cried Rebecca
scrambling to her feet! "There is something in the water!" 

As the young girl spoke she raised her rifle and fired point blank at
the creature. The bullet hit its mark piercing the reptile's skull and 
leaving him motionless in the water. Samantha grasped her thermal 
charge and threw it at the now dead beast the projectile now exploding 
and covering the creature in flame. 

"Move back away from the water everyone," cried Colonel Sharp! "What in
God's name was that thing and why did it attack us?" 

"It is one of our little friends that we have already met outside
Colonel," replied Samantha. "I imagine we were his mid day meal." 

All of a sudden another more violent eruption shook the cavern with a
force that would bring the whole plateau down upon them. Large fissures 
began to suddenly appear in the stone floor with steam and molten rock 
pouring out of them. 

"Quickly come this way," cried Colonel Sharp leading the group down a
steep incline into the darkness. 

This corridor was the steepest that they had yet encountered and at its
far end a small patch of light suddenly could be seen. As they grew 
closer Samantha found that it was an opening and that they were at the 
bottom of the plateau not far from their original camp. 

"Make haste," called Colonel Sharp to the others. "In  6 a few minutes
the whole top of this God forsaken plateau will erupt and kill 
everything on it." 

As Colonel Sharp finished speaking a violent explosion was heard from
the top of the plateau. Flame accompanied by smoke and ash billowed 
into the air and red hot lava together with a strong north wind 
produced a fire storm that ravaged the jungle on the top of the mesa. 

"What a terrible waste," said Professor Summerlee wiping his brow with a
large handkerchief. "We could have learned so much from those 

Yes," but much of this area is still unexplored Summerlee," replied
Professor Challenger. "Perhaps we shall find another plateau were time 
has been forgotten." 

The End 


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