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The dead don’t always stay dead (standard:Ghost stories, 1297 words)
Author: KirkieAdded: Nov 06 2004Views/Reads: 3648/2404Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
This is a true story. It did happen to my village many years ago, when I was very young and I believed that things do happen and nobody knew the answer to everything! I’ve also knew the ‘victim’ a young boy of 13, who lived a few houses further down my

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day, anyway. 

When the evening came we all gathered to our usual place and waited for
our foolish friend to appear. We sincerely hoped and wished for our 
friend to show up as we didn't really want him to go on his own there. 
When he didn't appear we all thought or hoped that he perhaps couldn't 
face us, as he had, finally, changed his mind and came to his senses 
and didn't want to admit that he was afraid to go. Ourselves though 
we're determined to all go as early as possible in the morning so we 
could see with our eyes that he had indeed chickened out and there was 
no sign of his knife. 

The following morning, at the crack down we all headed for the cemetery.
Some of the old kids had been to the funeral and they knew where the 
grave was. But when we got there we were shocked and horrified with 
what we saw. Our friend had indeed come to that place the night before 
but unfortunately he never left it.... There he was, lying dead on the 
top of the old dead man's grave with his eyes wide open, starring at 
something or somebody that had scared him to death, while his coat had 
been caught by his own knife at the top of the grave. We had never seen 
anybody in our young lives looking so scared, alive or dead. This is 
how I would have imagined; Medusa's victims would have looked after 
they had dared to stare at her face. Stone dead he was. They've never 
established the cause of his death. I don't remember any police 
investigation taking place as the local policeman along with the doctor 
of the village came to the conclusion, rather quickly I thought then, 
that his death was an accident. Most of the people of the village, 
along with his devastated parents, believed that he simply scared 
himself to death when he accidentally caught his coat on the top of the 
grave with his own knife while he was in a hurry to leave. They 
presumed that he probably thought that it was the hand of the dead 
man's that grabbed him, seeking revenge for the sacrilege at his 

Others though had different ideas; the boy was asking for trouble and
got what he deserved. The dead man indeed got his own back and punished 
him for disturbing his eternal rest. 

But one thing was certain; when we found him his black hair had turned
white and his face was the face of pure horror... Even now, nobody 
visits that cemetery at night time.... The dead prefer to be left alone 
when the sun sets. 


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