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Erm well i havent yet come up with a name yet. (standard:fantasy, 2272 words)
Author: Q10_rossAdded: May 25 2006Views/Reads: 3062/1993Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Erm well its just the prolouge and chapter one, because i thought i'll send them first to see if you all like it, so erm well yeah lol, so please submit it and read it.

Click here to read the first 75 lines of the story

started gathering my eyes as memories flood my mind. Yes unfortunely I 
do have a odd cry now and then, but I mean anyone in my situation 
would. I did make a few mistakes of falling in love with woman and men 
alike. No not homosexuality, friendship. I have had my heart broken a 
few times, but doesn't everyone. But also I've had my fair share of 
playing the game of sex. Well comon living for eternity without having 
sex, I think I would like to be sentenced to hell and forever torture. 
Which I have been threatened by the high goddess of evil. I'm still 
standing staring at myself in the mirror as a little knock was at the 
door. I looked round and shrugged. “Come in!” Hmm my voce was a little 
deeper then I expected it to be but then I shrugged again. The door 
opened, a young woman around the age of early twenties stood there with 
a cute face, and a nice body. She looked at me with shock, and I 
couldn't think why. But then I realized I was still naked and my dick 
was erect. I smiled, and shrugged, I couldn't place any words to say as 
it is the same as every time this happens and people walk in. She walks 
in and looks round, she spots the other naked body. And it was like I 
read her mind. “No no, I didn't rape him and I'm not gay it Is very 
complicated.” She looked very confused. “Ok, Linro...I'm not even going 
to ask what you were doing, but I better send for John and Keith to get 
rid of the body.” She then looked at me from head to toe, she lingered 
on my manhood and then smiled. “But there's no point of rushing.” She 
grinned as she closed the door and kissed me, fondling my manhood. I 
grinned, and then took her in my arms and swung her on the desk and 
lifting her skirt up and shoving my manhood in her love tunnel. You 
most probley can imagine what happens after that, so I'm not going to 
bother describing it to you.” Chapter 345 Small Packages, From the 
Journal Of The Restless Soul. Written by Pavlo De Sylandros. 

Chapter One: Sizo Like a goddess she stood there on the stage singing
that beautiful song, the back singers were also looking stunning. It 
looks like they sold out every ticket, it's a full house. A young lad 
rolled of the glass roof and back on the rock roof of the dome. The boy 
was about the age of 15 years, he was a flexible lad and was very fast. 
He looked at the edge and ran forwards it, he did a hard shove from his 
right foot that touched the edge, it lifted him into the air and slowly 
he fell to the other building, as he rolled landed  he grinned as he 
turned and looked at the gap that separates the two buildings. The gap 
was pretty big, but not that big, you probley could just fit a small 
house in it. The boy yawned and ran over the rooftops of other 
buildings, forwards the poor district. He occasionally stopped and 
slipped into a couple of windows and then he will slip back out like a 
shadow, and his pockets are a little bulgy every time he comes out. He 
finally reached the poor district, and where he jumped from one 
building to another across a large street, the building he landed on 
there was a trap door, he walked over to it and knocked 3 times and 
then mumbled, “Shadows are just like blades” The trapdoor swung open 
and a big built man stood there with a wooden club that has nasty 
looking spikes coming out of the end. “Hey Sizo! Had a good night?” 
Said the big butch man. “Yeah of course!!” Shaking his pockets that 
made a jingling sound. “When is it never fun!!” And with that Sizo ran 
off down the steps. He reached the bottom of the stair case, and there 
was a old oak door which has been reinforced with metal plates across 
the door. Sizo knocked 3 times and said. “Silent as the wind” The door 
swung open and two big men with the same type of clubs as the first man 
at the trap door. “Ahhh, Sizo your back, just wondering where your 
little smirkish face was!” The two men laughed as Sizo grinned his 
smirk, Sizo was kinda famous in Silent Blades for his smirk, he was 
nicknamed ‘Cold Smilie' because his smirk looked to cold for him 
because he was always a jolly lad. Sizo walked into the main room and 
the strong aroma of Elfweed hit him and he grinned. Sizo loved his 
elfweed he has a few types of it but his favorite must be Longwood 
silver, it wasn't the strongest but it always made him even more jolly 
and pretty horny. But he had to go see Coldren and give in the gangs 
share for accommodation and  protection. He walked away from the lovely 
aroma and walked up another set of stairs, he came to the top of the 
stairs and there were four doors, but one of them had two men with 
rapiers standing out side of one, he walked straight forwards to that 
door, he nodded at the two guards and walked straight in. A average man 
sat in a big soft leather chair with two men standing either side of 
him also wearing rapiers at their sides. “Ah, Sizo welcome back.” Said 
the man with a thick southern accent. “Just here to pay the share.” 
Grinned Sizo spilling his pockets out on the desk. The man, picked up a 
few things, counted the coins and then after about five minutes of this 
he handed a handful of coins and a few pieces of jewels back to Sizo. 
“You done good tonight, so here's a little extra.” He handed a little 
dagger that was in a draw of the desk. It wore a plain scabbard, but 
then Sizo unsheathed it and gasped. It wore the symbol of the Empire of 
Taslon. The empire was far south from here and it was very hard to get 
goods from there. “Thank you Coldren!” Sizo in absolute delight. “Yeah 
well I've had it for ages and you deserved it, now go and get some rest 
you look shattered.” Sizo walked out the door and then ran down the 
stairs nearly tripping over but caught his balance. And then smelt the 
beautiful aroma of elfweed again and he walked straight forwards the 
aroma. He walked into another room and it was the sleeping quarters for 
all thieves, beggars, prostitutes and other members of the gang. He 
walked over to a whole section of the wall with lockers, one of them 
said Sizo which he opened with ease. Even though there are a lot of 
thieves here and it wouldn't be wise to put stuff in your locker but 
the rule is no stealing here. And everyone sticks to the rule, because 
if you brake it you get chucked out and plus you lose all your stuff 
and everything. Sizo finished putting his stuff away and then he got 
out a big  bag of elfweed and rolling papers and a pack of tobacco. He 
went and sat in his normal corner with other kids about the same age as 
him. He leaned back and rolled himself a spliff and then he sparked it 
up and he relaxed. “What could be better then this.” 


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