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Castle In The Clouds, Chapters Thirteen and Fourteen (standard:drama, 3624 words) [7/21] show all parts
Author: Brian CrossAdded: Sep 16 2009Views/Reads: 2571/1624Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
In the grounds of a ruined abbey there is a clandestine meeting between a renowned violinist and a gardener. But what does it signify? Continuation of my completed drama

Click here to read the first 75 lines of the story

'But you came back; for Mr. Llewellyn?' 

'Perhaps – who knows?' She skipped around him, her long dress swirling
around her legs, then stopped; placing both hands on his shoulders she 
drew close and whispered in his ear, 'Or perhaps for you John Gibbings 
– after all, you are quite good looking and I am a flirt -' 

She saw a flare in his eyes, resentment – he didn't know how to take
her. She quickly withdrew her hands, thrusting them on her hips. 
'Right, let's get serious, I'm here because I want to help, John – here 
in a windswept, deserted monastery at Lord knows what time in the 
morning, now please tell me.' 

He led her through an archway, into a recess which housed a wooden
bench. As they sat he said, 'I was caught in bed with a woman in the 
cottage I rent from Mr. Llewellyn.' 

'Is that all?' 

She saw the incredulity on his face and added, 'Well, sex is hardly a
new concept.' 

'You're mocking me,' he glared, 'I'm going – I'm not sitting here.' 

'John, please stay -' her hand was on his arm, he pulled but she
resisted. 'It's just that it hardly seems a crime -' 

'Not to you, perhaps, but here – on this island – damn.'  He sat back
down, thrust his chin into the cup of his hand and met her eyes. 'Look, 
the dark witch as you call her walked in on us the day they bought the 
castle – she threw Rose out, called me a disgusting wretch and made it 
clear Mr. Llewellyn would dismiss me straight away if he knew about it 
– well he would, he's fair but he don't have time for things like 

'You mean immoral behaviour.' 

Gibbings lowered his eyes, 'Aye.' 

'So why didn't the dark witch just tell him and be done with it?' 

Gibbings threw his hands in the air. 'She's a strange woman, she acts
like she hates me but I reckon she's not that sure – she keeps giving 
me looks – as if she owns me. She started doing weird things like 
inspecting my hands, finding me jobs to do in her quarters that hardly 
needed doing, now she's getting randy like – she came into the cottage 
the night before last like she wanted sex – I had to force her away.' 
Gibbings thumped his fist into the palm of his hand, ' I nearly lost my 
temper – but it's getting to the point where if I don't do what she 
wants she'll push me that hard I'll have to get tough. And what happens 
then eh? I'll lose my job.' 

Veronica leaned towards him. 'It sounds like a love - hate complex kind
of a thing. If she's  attracted to you, why not give her what she 
wants, life might be easier for you.' 

Gibbings' jaw clenched. 'I don't desire her, how could you suggest such
a thing?' 

'But she found you in bed with Rose, so she might be thinking, why not
me? Is or was Rose special, John Gibbings?' 

'Is that important?' 

Veronica shook her head. 'Not to me, but I sense you have more to tell –
no, no -' she raised her hand, 'we'll not dwell on that now, can you 
not find work elsewhere, is your job that important?' 

'It's all I know, gardening, odd jobs – apart from manning the lifeboat
of course, but I'm not happy at sea.' 

Veronica lifted her brows, 'I would have thought -' 

But Gibbings was on his feet, 'I've talked enough and I've work to do,
besides Miss Llewellyn will be really mad if she knows I've been 
talking to you. Like I say there's nothing you can do – nothing anyone 
can do until the dark witch goes over the top and I get the sack.' 

'I'm going to try to help you John,' Veronica said, extending her hand
and grasping his. 'I won't pretend at the moment that I know how but I 
promise you I'm going to try.' 

Gibbings nodded and went on his way. Veronica watched him go, his
predicament under Dorothea's auspices was severe but she didn't 
understand why he had to endure it. Why was he so dependent on the job? 
There had to be something he could find, if not on the island then 
inland. But as long as he was in this position she'd vowed to help, and 
now making her way back to the castle she was hardly aware of the 
lashing rain. 

How could she deal with Dorothea, solve Gibbings' problem and yet retain
the respect of the household when Dorothea was hell bent on ruining 
that respect? 

Veronica climbed the castle slope to find Dorothea waiting in the hall.
'Why Miss Day, you are drenched – what on earth possessed you to 
journey out in conditions such as these – and without so much as a 

But it wasn't really a question, Dorothea knew there was more to it than
a walk in the rain, the set of her sharp features told Veronica that. 

'It really isn't a problem, Dorothea.' Veronica brushed Dorothea's
shoulder, stopped a pace away from her, 'But I must get out of these 
wet clothes.' She swept her fingers across the top of her dress and 
rainwater swept into Dorothea's face. Dorothea squinted as it struck 
her eyes, coughed as she breathed in the droplets. Veronica placed her 
hand to her mouth, 'Oh I am so sorry, how careless of me – it is, as 
you say, very wet out there.' 

Dorothea twitched with anger, her eyes wide, darker than ever. Veronica
expected a lash from her hand but the movement was curtailed. 'Whatever 
you're plotting here Miss Day, it won't work you know – you are foolish 
crossing swords with me. I always have my way – you will not be 
returning to the castle a third time, mark my words.' 

'We shall see whether your spells are strong enough to prevent it,'
Veronica whispered in Dorothea's ear, provoking renewed animosity. 
'Why, I think you'd quite like to strike me, wouldn't you?' 

'Grant me with more intelligence than to resort to such an action in the
face of your insults.' Dorothea managed a bitter smile. 'In two days 
time you will be gone, never to return. That is my response and my 

'I prefer not to talk in terms of victory Miss Llewellyn, but in terms
of what is moral, and immoral.' 

'Just what are you inferring?' 

Veronica smiled, chewed her lip. 'I'll leave you to dwell on the answer
to that, you most certainly know it.' 

Chapter Fourteen 

'It was gracious – most gracious of you to devote your time to
familiarising Gibbings with the  violin,' Llewellyn said with the trace 
of a smile, 'though the infernal noise I heard which must surely have 
derived from his playing prompts me to suggest your good intentions 
were wasted.' 

'Let us simply say he tried, - come in, won't you, Thomas?' Veronica had
barely bathed and changed before Llewellyn had knocked on her door. 

'If it is convenient.' Llewellyn followed her through looking
uncomfortable. 'It is not generally my custom to enter ladies' rooms. I 
merely came to request your company at breakfast.' 

'You were invited, Thomas. I shall make myself presentable and then we
will breakfast together.' 

'Presentable?' Llewellyn protested. 'Oh come now Veronica, you are never
less than presentable.' 

'Thomas,' Veronica began, ignoring the intended compliment, 'I must tell
you, I fear I may have provoked further animosity in your sister.' 

'Oh.' Llewellyn brushed his moustache and then gave a lop-sided smile.
'That is hardly difficult to achieve – when did you encounter -' 

'I'd been for an early morning walk,' Veronica said, examining herself
in the mirror.  Satisfied, she swung back to face him. 'Rather 
foolishly as it turned out, you see I got soaked and encountering 
Dorothea in the hall, I accidentally splashed her with rainwater from 
my coat. Needless to say she was not happy and did not accept my 
apology. Thomas,' Veronica outstretched an arm, easing him closer, 'she 
has some kind of misguided conception that I am a troublemaker, a bad 
influence; I am here as your guest, and can assure you this is not the 

'Good Lord no.' Llewellyn clasped Veronica's arms, 'I will hear of no
such accusation – I will put an end to such behaviour forthwith -' 

Llewellyn, his lips twisted in anger turned to the door, but Veronica,
as she had out on the terrace stretched out an arm and held him back. 
'No, Thomas, please do not admonish her on my account, I seek only to 
reassure you of my good intentions in the face of such accusations. 
Your understanding of that is all I desire -' 

Llewellyn took a deep breath, adjusted his yellow waistcoat. 'Very well
Veronica. Your generosity is as always, overwhelming, though I will not 
have you upset in any way – please tell me, have you put thought to my 
offer of a permanent room here?' 

'No.' Veronica shook her head, 'Not fully Thomas. I will advise you
before I leave, have no doubt of that.' 

'I urge -' 

'Thomas, there are but two days remaining before I depart the island,
once I have considered fully I will advise you.' She looked out the 
window and sighed, 'I was wondering whether we might journey out this 
morning in your trap.' 

Llewellyn threw out his hands, 'But it is a wild morning -' 

'I am not afraid of a little rain, unless such a prospect disturbs you?'

'Indeed not.' Llewellyn rocked on his heels, clasping his hands
together, 'I am only too happy to oblige. Your welfare is my only 

'I am deeply touched.' Veronica stepped forward, took his hand between
hers, breaking away as he brought his head forward. 'Come, let us hope 
for a peaceful breakfast.' 

*                                  *                                * 

Dorothea was nowhere to be seen at breakfast that morning and Llewellyn
was grateful for that. That she could perceive Veronica conceiving some 
kind of plot was outrageous and beyond his comprehension. Only 
Veronica's firm intervention had prevented him storming into Dorothea's 
quarters demanding she make full apology. It was the second time in as 
many days that she had prevented him creating a scene and it struck him 
for the first time that she must possess considerable strength to 
restrain his weight with a single arm and with such apparent ease. 

Entering the gallery en route to his room he encountered Hambleton
carefully dusting the paintings. 'Hambleton, Miss Veronica has 
requested a ride in the trap; we shall be gone for much of the 

Hambleton paused from his task, raising his brows and gesturing through
the window towards the sea. 'The conditions are somewhat inclement -' 

'Yes, I am aware of that,' Llewellyn snapped impatiently. 'However it is
what Miss Veronica requests -' 

Hambleton traced a forefinger across his upper lip, 'She is certainly
one for the conditions sir, why early this morning -' 

'Yes, I know Hambleton, Miss Veronica informed me she'd taken an early

'I believe she had an appointment sir -' 

Llewellyn narrowed his eyes, 'An appointment? What are you talking
about? Hambleton, please elaborate -' 

'A pre-arranged meeting, sir.' 

Llewellyn clenched his jaw. 'Please spare me a dictionary definition,
Hambleton – I was merely expressing surprise at such an unlikely 
occurrence; who might she have been seeing at such an unlikely hour?' 
He widened his brows, waiting with exaggerated patience for 

'There is only one name which springs to mind, that of Gibbings sir -' 

Llewellyn shook his head. 'I fail to see what could possibly transpire
to induce such an early morning event. What brings you to such a 
conclusion – not that it is the slightest business of ours-' 

Hambleton outstretched his hands. 'As you know sir, I am a habitually
early riser; I was simply going about my business when I encountered 
Miss Veronica just after dawn. Shortly afterwards, while drawing the 
curtains in the gallery I noticed her walking towards the priory 
grounds, a direction I saw Gibbings returning from some twenty minutes 
later. I naturally drew the conclusion they had cause to meet.' 

'There is nothing natural about it, Hambleton; it appears you have
engaged in a deliberate act of spying,' then noticing his butler's rare 
look of indignation, he added, 'why should you surmise such a 
clandestine meeting should take place?' 

Hambleton shrugged, said quietly, 'I have no idea sir; all I can say is
that whilst closing the castle windows last evening I heard hushed 
conversation between Gibbings and Miss Veronica that I was unable to 
distinguish the nature of. I only know she shares an interest in 
Gibbings as does your sister. I believe it my duty sir, to advise you 
that developments are afoot which are not healthy to the smooth running 
of the castle, or indeed, your good self. It is my belief that you 
should reconsider your invitation to Miss Veronica, of a room here.' 

Llewellyn raised a finger to Hambleton in a rare show of incivility. 'I
will have an end to this preposterous warmongering and indeed, spying. 
You appear to be in collusion with my sister over Miss Veronica, for 
what purpose I do not know.' Through grating teeth he hissed, 'My offer 
is not retractable, you will do well to remember as much.' 

Llewellyn marched to his room, seething. Slamming the door he breathed
heavily, struggling to control his anger. Just what had possessed 
Hambleton to side with Dorothea, and then to develop his own ridiculous 
assumption that Veronica had some desire towards Gibbings? That was 
what he seemed to be implying and such a suggestion was as absurd as it 
was unthinkable. 

Nonetheless, at the back of his mind just the tiniest grain of doubt had
lodged. The previous evening Veronica had offered Gibbings instruction 
on the violin, an offer that required them to be alone. According to 
Hambleton, hushed conversation had ensued, could that have led to an 
early morning meeting, and had Hambleton heard more than he was saying? 

Could Dorothea be right? Was Veronica's presence here not on account of
him, did she have other desires or motives? 

Almost certainly not. The delightful Miss Day enjoyed his company; he
could sense it. He would probe most sensitively during their trap ride 
for confirmation of that. 

*                            *                              * 

Veronica, waiting in the hallway, heard the echoing step of Llewellyn as
he approached along the passage, then noticing his heated expression 
she asked, 'Is anything the matter Thomas? You appear somewhat 

'No, certainly not.' Llewellyn stopped beside her, fastened his raincoat
and raised his large umbrella. 'I forgot this, that is all. I thought 
we might need protection from the rain.' 

'I think not, Thomas,' Veronica ran her eyes quickly over his face, then
gestured through the open doorway. 'The rain has stopped and the sun is 
breaking through, surprising how the weather changes so quickly in the 
north east, is it not?' 

'It certainly is.' Llewellyn led the way down the slope, to the pony and
trap that Hambleton had tethered to the railings. 'The island will not 
be the same without you,' he said, guiding the trap onto the road, 
'though I leave but a day after you, your company will be sorely 

'As will yours, Thomas.' She felt his eyes linger as she stared towards
the priory, its brooding arches drawing closer. 

'Truthfully, will you miss me Veronica?' 

Disturbed by the question Veronica ran her teeth along her upper lip;
seeds of doubt were developing in his mind, planted no doubt by 
Dorothea or Hambleton, perhaps both. They needed eradicating. 'I shall 
miss you Thomas, as I shall miss this island, why do you seek to 
question me?' 

Llewellyn coughed, raising a hand from the reins and tweaking his
moustache. 'I -' he swallowed, she heard him sigh, 'there seems to be 
some foolish notion within the castle – I cannot mention the source 
from which it derives – that you are involved in some kind of scheming 
– that it involves Gibbings -' 

'Huh!' Veronica threw her head back and laughed. 'Preposterous, now who
shall we suppose is behind this? Your sister we have spoken of – 
therefore I deduce Hambleton as the likely cause of such mischief – is 
he not? Whatever brings him to such a conclusion?' 

'It matters not, my dear Veronica.' Llewellyn pulled the pony to a halt.
'It is my earnest wish that you become a frequent visitor to the 
castle; I pay such vindictive notions no heed -' 

Yet you were concerned enough to mention it. Veronica turned her head
away, bit her lip, looked back at him. 'It seems I have enemies here, 
people who doubt my good intentions, under such circumstances I doubt 
that I can accept -' 

'I swear to you Veronica,' Llewellyn grabbed her hands, 'that I have put
a stop to such hostile accusations.' 

Veronica shook her head, raised it towards the sky. 'It seems that at
the very least I have brought disharmony to the castle -' 

'No – I implore you, do not let that thought influence your reasoning.'
Llewellyn's grip on her hand tightened, 'It is my sister who is the 
main source of disunity. I am sorely regretting her presence. Her 
departure would dispel the gloom that has descended over this place.' 

Veronica slowly removed her hands from his grasp. 'Would such an event
be possible?' 

Llewellyn puffed his cheeks. 'Difficult. She is co-owner of the castle,
she provided me with the necessary funds to secure its purchase. Her 
stake is small in comparison to mine, but without it I could not have 
achieved its acquisition.' He cupped his chin, 'Nonetheless, there 
might be a way -' 


'I have business associates, wealthy ones, who might possibly fund me if
I were to approach them. I fear my sister is restless here and would 
readily agree to relinquish her share for appropriate compensation – 
would such a prospect enable you to consider my offer favourably?' 

Veronica smiled, looked out to sea. 'I feel I am close to a decision
already, Thomas – might I take control of the trap?' 


This is part 7 of a total of 21 parts.
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