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Bright (standard:science fiction, 25567 words) | |||
Author: Saxon Violence | Added: Dec 03 2012 | Views/Reads: 5570/4725 | Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes) |
An eccentric genius is given sweeping powers to track down a killer of infants who might be Supernatural. | |||
Bright When I was in High School many years ago they gave us the SAT Test. My friend Murray had the second highest score in the whole school. It kinda surprised everyone, because just about all Murray ever thought about was Wrestling. O yeah, he went out for Cross-Country every year, but he was no long distance runner. He just ran for Wrestling... And curiously, for someone so dedicated, Murray didn't have any plans to continue his Wrestling in College or to try to go to the Olympics. I could see why he had no interest in Freestyle Wrestling. Real Wrestling takes place down on the mat. The Freestyle rules turn the Matches into Takedown Tournaments... But be all that as it may. I never ran into Murray again after High School Graduation, but I heard gossip. He got into grade trouble his first year of College and was dropped. He spent a couple years laying bricks with his father's construction crew, and then he tried College again. This time everything clicked for him. Murray decided to major in Electrical Engineering for some reason. He had to take enough Math classes anyway, that he decided with a little adjustment, he could get a Dual degree in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering... And you know, while Engineers need to know plenty Math, many of the core subjects that a Mathematician needs to know, have little or no relevance to any sort of Engineering. Anyway, Murray graduated with two degrees—both with Honors—one in Electrical Engineering and another in Mathematics. Then he went on to get a Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering. I didn't see his reasoning there, because it's my understanding that in today's World, most Master's Degrees are almost meaningless mileposts on the way to an eventual PhD. But I never asked him. It wasn't any of my business anyway. Next I heard that Murray was the Vice-President of a rather large manufacturing company—meaning that he was the local CEO, since the President was at the National Headquarters. He married a statuesque red haired lady who was a local model and twenty years younger than him. He lived for a while in a mansion outside of town. The place had a Lake, a Swimming Pool and its own Tennis Court. They say that it had cost him over two million dollars to build it. Then he went into politics and moved to Indianapolis to be close to the Governor. Yes wellah, Murray was a good Dude and I don't begrudge him a bit of his success. He deserved everything that he got... But you know, if there was any justice in the World—do you know who had the Highest SAT Score in the whole school? Yeah, that's right. I did. I would have bet that my lifetime earnings were less than what Murray made his first five years out of College. Then over forty years after Graduation there came a knock on my door, and guess who had come to see me? That's right, it was Murray. He was all dressed in black, carrying a black briefcase and wearing dark glasses. He had a very large black woman with him. I later learned that she was six foot three inches and weighed just over two hundred and forty pounds. Trust me, she carried her weight very well. She wasn't Click here to read the rest of this story (3703 more lines)
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