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forgotten crush (standard:romance, 1080 words)
Author: xxdragonAdded: Apr 23 2001Views/Reads: 5820/3937Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Boy and Girl have crushes on each other, but don't take their friendship farther until he takes her to a party

"Come on Julie," Andy said. "I need a date for this party, and besides,
you owe me from last month." 

Julie looked over at him. She used to have a major crush on him, but
lately he just bugged the hell out of her. 

"Fine" Julie sighed. He was right, she did kind of owe him. 

"Ok. I"ll pick you up at 6," Andy said with a smile. 

Later that day, they pulled up to the party together, and Andy asked
again. "You promise you'll stay with me matter what?" "Yes," 
Julie said with clenched teeth. "Why do you keep asking?? You think I'm 
going to run out?" 

"Umm...yeah, I'm afraid you will," Andy said as he knocked on the door.
"Well, I won't," Julie said as the door opened. 

They shut the door and walked in, and immediately Julie gasped. Andy
slipped a hand around her waist, but she was too shocked to notice. 
"T-this is a make-out p-party?" she whispered. All around them couples 
were liplocked, and quietly making out in chairs, and the floor. 

Julie pushed Andy's arm from her waist, and stalked over to a couch. He
sat down next to her, and she slid away from him, to the end, looking 

He scooted over, and so did she until she was pressed against the side
of the couch. He laughed quietly. "Trapped!" he whispered in her ear. 
"Why didn't you tell me?" she muttered. "Because then you wouldn't have 
agreed to come," he replied back. Her head snapped around. "I never 
should have agreed," she whispered back, glaring at him. 

He held her gaze, but looked away, blushing. He looked back up at her
searching eyes. "I want you so bad. So bad that it hurts inside," he 
said quietly. "well you can hur-" she was cut off as he pinned her 
against the side of the couch and kissed her. 

She tried to push him off, and jerk away, but he continued to kiss her.
Julie finally gave up, as he kissed her harder. Her arms went limp as 
she let his mouth explore hers. 

He leaned against her, and fit perfectly against her. He slowly stroked
her side, and worked his hand up until it was against her breast. He 
continued up, and then back down, only touching around her side. Every 
time he went up and down, he touched more of her breast. 

Figuring it was okay, he brought up his hand until it covered her breast
and he gently squeezed it. She jerked away, and slapped his hand. 
"You're not getting anymore of me," she whispered in his ear. "Okay," 
he whispered back, happy to be even touching this girl. He lowered his 
mouth to hers again, and the last thing he saw was her eyes flutter 
shut as they went back to kissing. 

A little while later, Andy decided to try something else. He slowly
moved his tongue, and tried to slip inside Julie's mouth. She closed 
her lips, but he fought in, and finally pushed through. His tongue 
touched the sides of her mouth, and lips, and then found her tongue. 
Andy felt her giggle as he tickled her tongue, so he continued on. He 
was so happy, and hoped she wouldn't kill him once they left. 

A while later Julie opened her eyes. He was a really good kisser, he
seemed to be really into this. I wonder how bad he really does like me, 
she wondered. She reached down and found his hand, and then laced her 
fingers through his. He stopped mid-kiss and pulled back a little, 
opening his eyes to find her looking into his. Then she raised her 
mouth to his and pulled him back down. 

He moaned softly as he saw her eyes close again. Her mouth was so hot,
and her eyes just had this way of looking at you, like deep down into 
you. He felt her knee nudge his side as she whispered, "Stop looking at 
me," in between kisses. He slipped his free hand around her waist, and 
felt her relax into his arms as they made out for the rest of the 

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