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There Is No Good In Goodbye (standard:poetry, 343 words)
Author: Lynnea MartinoAdded: Feb 24 2015Views/Reads: 2435/0Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
I did this on the prompt: Broken Dreams. This piece tells of the feelings experienced by those trying to escape their reality of their own living Hell.

Hello? // Do you hear me? // Where were you when I had to flee? 

Why were you not there in my waking? // Were you simply an image of my 
own making? 

I tried to find my way // But you led me astray 

What is happening in this world of broken dreams? // It is filled with 
nothing but my screams 

My hands still reach out to you // Even though I am black and blue 

You turned me out // You led me off this route 

I prayed that I would find my path // But you insisted that you show me 
your wrath 

I shied away and cowered in fear // Why did I not remember to keep 

Although I am bruised and bleeding // My emotions you were always 

Within my dreams, for me you cared // Within my waking hours, I was 
always scared 

Why is it that life is not what is seems // Within this world of broken 

In this world of broken dreams, in this world of predestined death // 
All you ever cared about was your stupid meth 

I begged you to quit // But all I earned was a hit 

What is it that I have to do? // In order to help you 

Within this world of broken dreams // All is not what is seems 

I will lay in pain // Until you get it through your brain 

That I will never be fine // Nor will I ever live on cloud nine 

What is it that I have done? // To get broken bones one by one 

Within this world of broken dreams // All is not what it seems 

And to this day // I still will stay 

Because I love you my dear // Even with all my fear 

Because in this world of broken dreams // Nothing is ever what it seems 


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