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SWEPT BY THE TIDE (standard:poetry, 1295 words) | |||
Author: Danny Erin | Added: Apr 05 2017 | Views/Reads: 2128/1347 | Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes) |
15 DARK POEMS | |||
SWEPT BY THE TIDE DANNY ERIN 15 POEMS Swept By The Tide Ambushed Again My Lonely Bed Awaits Soul Debt Deep Water What's Your Favourite Tree? One Big Mistake Safe In The Master's Hands Endurance Tests A Waste Of Breath Misery Three Words Over The Edge Woke Up Screaming Mother Sea SWEPT BY THE TIDE It's usually on an endless wet Sunday when it gores into me like a bull that she's gone forever, no more together and I will never feel so unbelievably good again. Learning how to settle for this half-life and most of it merely a sham because it's not with her. Swept by the tide to this point Click here to read the rest of this story (891 more lines)
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