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WAITING FOR DARKNESS (standard:poetry, 1338 words) | |||
Author: Danny Erin | Added: Jun 28 2018 | Views/Reads: 1888/1209 | Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes) |
15 DARK POEMS. | |||
WAITING FOR DARKNESS DANNY ERIN 15 POEMS Waiting For Darkness Time Heals Nothing God's Suicide Swimming With Paedophiles Never Been Alive Let's Pretend I'm The Devil Frozen Laughter Every Night Check The Distance What I Like About Myself God Has Been Sacked From Dahmer Message To Fat Bastards I Will Teach You Evil There Is A Light WAITING FOR DARKNESS All day long since first light sneaked its way in uninvited, resented you're just waiting for darkness to return. The day arrives like some unwanted visitor you're forced to admit and are reluctantly polite to even knowing they bring the latest punishments. The light scrapes across your mind like sandpaper as it floods the land pompously full of its own importance Click here to read the rest of this story (847 more lines)
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