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Take me to the Party (standard:romance, 1061 words)
Author: makepeacekenAdded: Nov 12 2022Views/Reads: 607/421Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Katie get caught in the rain and her ex-boyfriend comes to the rescue. She turns him away, then changes her mind. Why? Find out by reading this intriguing story.

The sound of the thunder got louder. Then it started to pour with rain.
Katie was frightened. All she could think to do was run. There was 
nowhere to shelter, and she was quite a distance from home. But then, 
she heard a voice. 

‘Hey, Katie, over here quick.' 

She turned and saw the one person she never wanted to see again. What
possessed her to go out with him in the first place? That is what she 
had asked herself, time and time again. 

‘Get lost, Callum. I'd rather drown than have a lift home with you.' 

‘Suit yourself,' he shouted before driving off. 

Katie couldn't believe it, him driving off the way he did. She would
have said yes to the lift eventually, but no one had told Callum that. 

Katie got home. She was soaked to the skin. She went up the stairs to
have a bath and get changed, but before she could get to the steps to 
the stairs, she heard a knock at the door. When she answered it, she 
had a surprise when she saw who the caller was. 

‘What do you want?' she asked him. ‘Bit of a nerve turning up like

‘Oh, Katie, I feel dreadful driving off like that. You look drenched.' 

‘Drenched ain't the word, Callum. Now do me a favour and go and get

Callum walked away dejected. He still had feelings for Katie and he felt
so guilty that he had cheated on her. He wanted to get back with her, 
but he knew that would never happen. 

Katie had her bath, and then while to watch some TV. While watching TV,
she kept thinking about Callum. They had had some good times over the 
few years they had been going out together She hoped he would ask her 
to marry him one day, but those days had gone, especially when she 
found out he had been cheating on her and with her best friend. She 
knew that she could never forgive him. 

The next day Katie set off to work and while on her way, she happened to
bump into one of her friends. She told her all about the night before - 
getting drenched and then Callum turning up on her doorstep. 

‘Well,' the friend said. ‘Can't you forgive him just this once?' 

Katie felt anger rising inside her. 

‘Forgive him after what he did? Are you serious?' 

‘Oh, yeah, you are the innocent one, Katie. You cheated on him as well.

‘That was a mistake.' 

Katie left her friend and carried on walking. She was too busy thinking
about the weekend and a party she was going to to be bothered by what 
her friend had just said, but she was right, Katie did see someone else 
while she was going out with Callum, and while thinking about it she 
had an idea. 

‘Hi, Luke, you all right?' she said to him after turning up to where he

‘What can I do for you, Katie?' 

‘There's a party Saturday night. Do you fancy coming?' 

‘Are you serious? I thought you were still seeing Callum?' 

‘That's over with.' 

‘You do realise he'll probably be at the party as well?' 

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