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As Luck Would Have It (standard:humor, 905 words)
Author: GodspenmanAdded: Dec 18 2022Views/Reads: 463/281Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Whenever I feel sorry for myself because I’m getting old, and getting old does have a negative side, there is the positive side. If I was not as old as I am, I would never have seen my Great-granddaughter.

Quite frankly, I do not believe in luck in any degree. Once in a while,
I will say it, but I don't believe it. Luck has no place in my wallet. 

Sometimes things happen that you can't plan for, which turns out to be
rather good. Luck has nothing to do with it. 

This past week my granddaughter went to the hospital on a Tuesday
morning to have her first baby. 

The day was busy for me. On the other side of town, I visited somebody
in the hospital. I stopped at my bank to do a little bit of business. I 
also had to pick up some office-supplies. 

I stopped, don't let The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage know, and
got a cup of coffee and a delicious Apple Fritter. So while munching on 
this forbidden fruit, I looked at my watch and saw that it was a little 
after 3 o'clock. 

I thought I might have time to stop at the hospital and check on my
granddaughter to see how she was doing. 

I didn't have to think very long along this line, and as I pulled out of
my Apple Fritter palace, I decided to go to the hospital on the other 
side of town. 

The traffic was terrible at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and I almost
decided to go home. But, "as luck would have it," I decided to continue 
to the hospital. 

Arriving at the hospital, the parking lot was so full that it took me
some time to find a parking space. Finally, I found a place and parked 
my vehicle and headed for the hospital. 

I would never say this out loud, but sometimes these hospitals are
almost like psych wards. At the front desk I introduced myself and 
asked where my granddaughter was. They told me the floor and room 

I went to the elevator and saw a sign that said, "Do not enter if
flashing." I'm not quite sure, but I can't remember the last time I did 
any flashing. So very cautiously, I got into the elevator. Thankfully, 
I was alone. 

But how many 4th floors can a hospital have? I was to go to the fourth
floor, and they gave me the room number. So I went there, and when I 
walked in, I almost dropped over. In the bed was a man who looked like 
he was 125 years old and had every physical problem in the book. So I 
gasped and then went back to the nurse's desk in panic. 

I found out this hospital has two 4th floors, and, "as luck would have
it," I was on the wrong 4th floor. 

I had to go down the hallway, turn to my right, then turn to my left and
I will find a door that would lead me to where I wanted to go. 

I finally got up to the nurse's desk and asked where my granddaughter
would be. Right behind me was a hallway, and her room was the seventh 
one on the left. 

I knocked on the door in full preparation that I had the wrong room. I
was invited in, and “as luck would have it,” I was at the right place, 
and there was my granddaughter. 

The new father-to-be and his mother were there beside her. I joined
them, and we had a very pleasant conversation. I thought I would be 
there for 10, maybe 15 minutes, and then I would leave and go home. It 
was around 4 o'clock, so I planned to go home for supper. 

As the conversation developed, she was ready to have the baby anytime.
"As luck would have it," I would be there and see our 
great-granddaughter before my wife would be there. She planned to be 
there on Wednesday when the baby was due. 

The nurse came in, and we went out to the waiting room to wait for the
good news. 

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