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Ugly Isn’t For Sissies (standard:humor, 908 words)
Author: GodspenmanAdded: Feb 05 2023Views/Reads: 426/261Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
God does not judge me by my outward appearance, but by my heart. If my heart isn’t right with God nothing else really matters.

Over the years of marital bliss, we've not had many disagreements. She
likes broccoli. I like Apple Fritters. We've never been able to come to 
any agreement with that. But, outside of that, everything has been 
rather smooth. 

There's one controversy that has plagued our house for the last few
years, and there doesn't seem to be any solution. There are some 
problems with no solutions, and I guess this is one of them. 

The controversy I have is about my bathroom mirror; each of us has our
bathroom with our own mirror. My mirror has some very significant 
issues with it. 

For several years I have suggested that we replace my old mirror with a
new one. 

Once, I even suggested I would be glad to pay for the new mirror out of
my Apple Fritter account, which was a mistake. 

When I said that, she looked at me with a long pause and then said, “You
have an account for Apple Fritters?” 

I knew I was in trouble for that; I guess I kissed my Apple Fritter
account goodbye. 

The controversy I had is that my old mirror portrays me as some old guy.
I find it rather frustrating because I have some pictures of myself, 
and I don't look old at all. 

As we discussed this, she said, “My mirror portrays me as I really am.”
She smiled one of her sarcastic smiles at me. 

“Let me,” I said, “go and look in your mirror to see if what you're
telling me is really true.” 

I entered her bathroom and was surprised as I looked in her mirror and
saw some old guy looking back at me. 

Immediately I went out and said, “Hey, who's that old guy in your

She laughed and said, “I think it's you, but all I ever see is some old

“I am not that old,” I demanded. 

I then went and got our family photo album, brought it back, opened it
up, pointed to a picture, and said, “See, that's me.” 

She looked at the picture, then back at me laughingly, and said, “Yes,
that's you when you were in high school.” 

I flipped a few pages and said, “There I am.” 

“That's our wedding picture,” she said with a smile. 

By that time, I was just a little bit frustrated. If I look at those
pictures and then look in the mirror, I do not see any resemblance 
whatsoever. How can that old rascal in the mirror be me? 

The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage could see that I was just a
little bit discouraged. After all, pictures don't lie, but I think 
mirrors do. 

“Don't you realize that as we grow and get older, our looks change?” 

Looking at her, I was shaking my head and unwilling to reach her level
of understanding. 

“But,” I complained, “I'm not that old looking, am I?” 

Then she handed me a more recent photograph. It was me holding my
granddaughter on the day of her birth. I looked at it as though I was 
looking out for the first time. When I first looked at it, I didn't see 
myself; rather, I saw my great-granddaughter. 

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