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I’m So Poor I Can’t Pay Attention (standard:humor, 905 words)
Author: GodspenmanAdded: Mar 26 2023Views/Reads: 504/284Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Being rich does have its challenge, which I will never face. The disturbing aspect of this passage is where Paul says, "the love of money is the root of all evil." That is my temptation.

Occasionally I go to my computer and search for the wealthiest preachers
in America. I am curious to know who came up with this idea, but I 
check it out occasionally to see who they are. 

As often as I have checked this information, I have never found my name
on that list. I so much wanted to see my name on that list. Everybody 
knows that the Internet never lies. So, I need to accept that I am not 
one of the wealthiest preachers in America. Poor me! 

That may explain many things in my life that I did not quite understand

When traveling in the Sissy Van, The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage
is always behind the steering wheel. I make it a point not to drive 
that Sissy Van anymore than I have to. 

As we drive, my wife will say, "Did you see that car? They're from

Of course, I did not see it because I was not paying attention. When The
Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage drives, she focuses on everything 
within her focus. Even when driving my truck, and she is in the 
passenger seat, she sees everything around her. 

Do not let this get back to her, but she sees things that I do not think
exist. I will never contest her on that subject. 

Unlike my wife, I don't have that much focus to see everything that is
happening around me. 

Once when she asked me if I saw something, I replied, "No, I'm just too
poor to pay attention." 

I laughed, of course, but she didn't think it was funny. 

Driving across town to church one Sunday morning, she said, "Did you see
that sign? What did it say?" 

I didn't see it, so I responded, "I'm sorry, but I'm too poor to pay
attention." Then I chuckled. 

She just threw me one of her infamous grimaces. 

For some reason, she believes I should pay attention to everything
around me. I don't know why because I'm not interested in many of the 
things around me. And, I am too poor to pay attention. 

While driving to an appointment the other day, I asked, "Could I borrow
a dollar from you?" 

She looked at me quizzically and said, "Why do you need a dollar from

"Oh," I said softly, "I just need some money to pay attention while
you're driving." 

She did not respond to me; of course, she never gave me that dollar. So
I tried to explain to her that it is very expensive to pay attention. I 
don't think she believed me. 

Several weeks later, we went to our Sunday morning church service, and I
noticed a license plate and said, "Look at that license plate. They're 
from Montana." 

There was silence on the other side of the car, and finally, she looked
at me and said, "Where did you get that dollar?" 

I had no idea what she was talking about, so I just said, "What dollar
are you talking about?" 

She snickered like I had not heard her snicker in a long time and said,
"You know, the dollar so that you can pay attention." 

The only thing I can say is that she has enough money to pay attention
to everything, even some things I don't know. 

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