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Timmy's Heart From the Inside Out, Just Before the Men in White Coats Arrive. (standard:poetry, 0 words)
Author: TimAdded: Jun 09 2001Views/Reads: 3008/0Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Free form, written 06/99. Inspired by by the first of many, many breakups with my lover.

Peering out through the enormous, ragged hole in my heart, I see, and
feel the intense darkness all around, and the bitter cold rushes in and 
chills me to the bone. 

The love in my heart reaches out like a ray of sunshine, seeking to
enshroud the heart of the one I love, wrapping it with warmth and 
caring, and keeping it safe for all eternity. 

Yet, arriving at the hard steel, welded door of the empty, calloused
heart, it falls at her feet crying an empty, lonely, plaintiff wail, 
bringing incredible pain both to itself and her. 

How can this be, when endless joy and ecstasy await both, if only that
door would open, ever so slightly? 

The thin line between love and despair becomes like the widest
interstate highway, many lanes across and unbreechable, as rush hour 
seems to be forever unrelenting. 

Has life become so insane as to prevent love from ever living again,
from bringing happiness and sweetness and pleasure to both hearts? Has 
love been relegated to a dream state, safely tucked away, never being 
given a chance to live and flourish? Knowing her perception of reality 
has locked away the glorious future forever, darkness being the order 
of both night and day? 

Has love been destroyed by years and years of abuse, and a life of Hell
created by the pain inflicted upon it? Is this the new Rule, rather 
than the exception? 

"I Can't Return Your Love Right Now", "No Trespassing", "Love Me and
I'll go Poof". Are these signs of the present and the future, 
painstakingly constructed so well they can never be torn down? 

Is the wall so incredibly strong and high, it will prevent the greatest
joy life has to bring, from ever being known again? 

Will God not allow this heart to open up and warm to the possibilities
of happiness and joy ever again? 

Surely, this is not the case! Surely, it is in His plan for her to
gracefully receive this tender and precious love offered by one who 
cares for her so deeply, wishing only to fill her life with happiness 
and joy, creating a magnificent Palace of Love, in which they may 
reside together, forever. 

Is time the healing factor? If so, where is the magic transition line,
where love will be allowed to be released and grow and warm the hearts 
of both, to make her life, and his, one happy place in which to laugh 
and love once again? The halfway point has been passed, making each day 
a valuable commodity, ever so much shorter and more treasured than the 
one before. 

Life must be relished and lived as if each day were the last. Love must
be unleashed, savored and enjoyed for what it is, more valuable than 
all the gold in the world, for it truly is that! 

Okay guys, you can take me away now. Be sure to turn off the computer
and the lights. I won't need them anymore, and please tell everyone I 
was in no pain, except in the depths of my heart, which contains an 
aching so incredibly great, all other pain pales by comparison. 

Does the hospital have lemon icebox pie? 


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