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Emperor ID: CheshireCat6 (standard:science fiction, 2197 words)
Author: SalamanderAdded: Oct 04 2000Views/Reads: 3665/2391Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
The best hackers and programmers with questionable scruples gather to decide every web surfer's fate.

:::Welcome to Chit-Chat-Central CheshireCat6!::: 

AOHell: Just load a bunch of viruses on to the net at once and burn it!
it would work! 

BesTingU: Hi chescat 

Kajun: Finally! We’ve been waiting 

CheshireCat6: for me? ::grins:: how kind of you 

KIRK1234: will somebody please tell me why we’ve been waiting for


AOHell: Because he knows if we should really do ths. 

AOHell: ths = this 

Kajun: I’ll tell chescat the situation. 

LeoDC77: i just got a new record! i saw titanic 243 times! GO LEO! 

AOHell: Will everyone who ain’t talking about the Sonoma incident leave?


AOHell: 10 seconds. 10... 

FratBoy7: This isn’t scheduled. u can’t make us leave 

AOHell: 9... 

AOHell: 8... 

CheshireCat6: can you use the “grinola” for me AOHell? 

AOHell: 7... 

OnlineHost: Lioness64 has entered. 

Lioness64: hi everybody! 

AOHell: no prob 

AOHell: 6... 

BesTingU: get out NOW lioness 

AOHell: 5... 

Lioness64: ??? 

LeoDC77: u can’t do anything, ya know 

AOHell: 4... 

BesTingU: you wanna bet on that? 

Kajun: 3... 

AOHell: 3... 


AOHell: 2... 

AOHell: 1... 

ChesireCat6: 0. 

OnlineHost: Lioness64 has left. 

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