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A theft (standard:mystery, 434 words)
Author: carefreeAdded: Apr 28 2002Views/Reads: 3852/1Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
a theft

"Mama!" the toddler exclaimed as he stumbled towards Suzan with
overwhelming joy.Suzan winced upon the heartfelt call as a sharp pang 
of guilt gripped her heart. 

Painful memories flashed back into her mind,vividly.She cuold never
forget the day that changed her life. 

Being pregnant and due, Suzan was trapped in the horrifying and cruel
grip of the World War2. 

Earth shattering explosions seemed to be in hot persue of Suzan,
threatening to devour her.Pungent smell of the innocent blood hung in 
the air.Bodies of the heroes,who fought for their country till death, 
laid in the destruction. 

Blood seemed painted the whole city as there was hardly a place where
you could not see an injured or a dead. PLeading cries of the innocent 
filled the air.Little lost children,sat at the cold empty street crying 
pitifully for their parents. 

Being pain strickened by the sight and tormented by the abdominal
pain,Suzan searched for her husband. Tripping over the dead, and 
staggering past dying innocent,Suzan finally reached the place where 
her husband was rumoured to be killed. 

Her sorrowful shouts for her husband resuonded the lifeless ground.
Tears started streaming down her face as ahe thought of the unthinkable 
possibilities that might happened to her husband. Pain of losing her 
husband  overwhelmed the torturous physical pain.Finally, unable to 
accept the reality,Suzan collapsed to the gruond and losing 

Rushing footsteps accompanied by painful cries reverberated in her ears.
Strong medicinal smell stung her nose, forcing her to open her heavy 
eyelids.She saw people in whites rushing around in frantic attending to 
the enormous number of casualties. Looking around, Suzan saw a sordid 
hospital and death. 

Strange to her, Suzan abdominal pain had subsided.Gazing down she saw
her bloated stomach had deflated.Making a quick turn to the left, Suzan 
saw her baby lying peacefully on the cot. 

Warm tingling feeling surged down her heartas she smiled to
herself.REaching out for her baby,Suzan's heart missed a beat, 
everything seemed to stop. 

Her hands came in contact with a cold unfeeling baby. OPening her mouth
for a cry of anguish, but nothing came out.Cracking sound of her heart 
seemed loud to her ears.Hot tears brimmed her eyes and scorched down 
her cheeks. 

Just then a baby's strong loud cry caught her atteneion. 

"Mama! Mama!" my dear darling tugged at my skirt bringing me back from
my deep thoughts. 

Unlike me and my late husband, my darling had a mop of fiery hair just
like the hair of the pregnant lady beside me in the sordid hospital. 
Memories of this theft, would never leave me till the day i die.


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