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Distorted Visions (standard:drama, 396 words)
Author: Simon XAdded: Jun 07 2002Views/Reads: 3273/1Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Very short story about the mystery of fidelity...

A tear welled up in his eye, or perhaps it wasn't. He had lost all
senses, and was unable to tell where the rain stopped and the tears 
began, all he could feel was those memories. 

Memories, that's all they were. Nothing more, but they pained him, as
each and every one of them contained a picture of her. She had the 
sweetest smile, the cutest face, the warmest laugh, With her, he felt 
safe. With her, he was happy, and so was she. 

He recalled every word that she spoke, that summer's day, as the laid in
the wide open fields, the sun blazing down, as she gazed at him, and he 
gazed back. 

"Do you love me?" he asked. 

"Yes, yes I do..." she smiled back, the words ringing out like a church
bell, ringing out the message of love. Those words made him feel safe 
and secure, those words reminded him about how much he was in love. 

Then it happened. 

He recalled the night over and over, the memories so sweet as honey,
turning as sour as lemons, the memories had become so cold, so painful. 
The night was painful then, and it was still just as painful now, as he 
recounted the conversation... 

"What is going on here?" he asked. 

"It's... it's... it's now what it seems!" she cried. 

"Then what is it?" 

"I... I..." 

Those were the last words that he heard from her, but it wasn't the last
images. No, the last images of her were more cold, as cold as the grip 
that tightened around her throat, as her face began to turn blue, but 
not blue like the skies that they once laid under, this blue was deep, 
almost as deep as the uncaring blue ocean. 

It felt good, watching her cold, frail body fall to the floor, thus
remaining still evermore. Yes, it was a good feeling to see. 

Then, it struck him, like a clap of thunder on that cold, stormy
evening, and he had to run, pack a suitcase and run. Where he would go, 
he did not know, where he would hide, he did not know either, but what 
he did know was that he had to leave, as he raised a thumb to find his 
carriage, as he waited, waiting for the truth to come find him, and 
choke him as well...


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