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Dreamers (standard:romance, 427 words)
Author: ElidibsAdded: Jan 13 2003Views/Reads: 3360/1Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Dream i had once. Perhaps someone shares the same dream.


I jumped off the bus as fast as I could. I could hear the yells of the
other passengers behind me telling me to watch were I was going, and 
some other obscenities. I didn't care. I was supposed to meet her ten 
minutes ago, and I didn't need any more stress. I was usually on time I 
didn't know what was wrong with me today. I probably shouldn't have 
wasted so much time picking out clothes to wear. "Stupid, stupid!", I 
muttered as I ran up the escalator 

Okay we're supposed to meet at the food court. I hope she's still there.
Please. Please! Let her still be there I thought to myself. I was 
beginning to get frantic. Should I have brought flowers? No, that's too 
lame. Why am I wearing this shirt? I look like a complete idiot. God, 
why am I so stupid? I began to near our meeting place. Just up another 
escalator. A couple more people yelled as I pushed them aside. 

"Watch where you're going as...!" "Sorry! I'm in a rush!" I yelled back 

Almost there just a few more steps I hope. I hope. Yes! I could see her
waiting next to the arcade entrance. Made it at last. 

"Hi!" I said slightly out of breath. I could feel a trickle of sweat go
down my cheek. "You're late" She said giving me a slightly annoyed grin 
"I'm sorry...It's just that..." I tried to explain, but she cut me off 
"Don't worry about it..." She said as she tilted her head closer to 
mine. She kissed me, and for that brief moment it was like she was the 
only one in the room with me. It was like a dream. The whole world went 
silent, and the only thing I could feel was her warmth. "Well lets get 
going." as she moved away from me "Where to today?" I asked...I could 
still taste her on my lips "oh...It doesn't matter let's just walk." 
"Alright let's walk" We walked off holding each other closely. 

Then he awoke. The sunlight streaming into his room made him squint. He
slowly sat up and lingered there a minute longer trying to remember 
everything he had just dreamt. "Someday...", He whispered to himself as 
he slowly walked towards the bathroom. 

Then she awoke. She slowly got out of her bed and stepped onto the cool
carpet. She stood there just a while longer trying to remember 
everything she had just dreamt. "Someday..." She whispered to herself 
as she slowly walked towards the bathroom. 


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