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A Wonderful Life (standard:drama, 6585 words)
Author: HopesAdded: Feb 10 2003Views/Reads: 3326/2323Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A godfather brings more than just concern to a family torn by a tragic accident. An unusual family is formed. This is Part 2 of "Life Changes", also posted here. Part of this parallels the first story, but is told from Alex's viewpoint.


Part Two of *LIFE  CHANGES* 

A colleague had recently been served divorce papers and was devastated. 
He loved his wife and hearing about her affair had completely 
blind-sited him.  Their kids were in college, so it wouldn't be as 
messy as it could have been if they were younger.  Still, he could 
barely fulfill his requirements at work, such was his emotional state. 

Alex thought about his own life.  He was raised in a home where, while
not rich, money was not a problem.  His mom was a lawyer and his dad 
was a doctor.  Although busy in their careers, their children were 
still their priority.  There was never a doubt that they were loved and 
cared for.  Jan, his sister, and he had attended a good college and 
didn't have to work while there.  He had graduated with a double major 
in history and education.  Jan got her teaching degree.  Ann, who he 
had met at college, was his wonderful wife and had given them two 
terrific kids.  His job was one that he loved.  There was nothing more 
to be desired.  Thinking of his colleague's plight, he was deeply 

College had been a blast.  While getting an education that would allow
him to take care of himself and his future family, he made many good 
friends and had some great times.  It wasn't always easy.  College 
wasn't nearly as easy as high school had been for him and he had to 
learn better study skills.  Always good with people, he found that 
there were some people who he would never be able to please and that he 
couldn't always make everything ok.  His soft-hearted nature found this 
difficult to deal with.  Conflicts were difficult on him, but he grew 
in maturity through these and other situations.  Fortunately, there 
were many more good things than hard.  If a good time was to be had, 
Alex was a part of it.  He loved to have fun.  Practical jokes were a 
favorite pass-time of his.  Few in the dorm were saved from his antics. 
 Occasionally a joke was returned on him, and he loved it.  Along side 
his love of good times and serious study, was his love of people.  
Everyone knew that if you had any type of problem, Alex was available 
to help, listen, or both.  Jan was much the same way in the women's 
dorm.  Both volunteered at the local shelter and helped in any way they 
could, from cooking to washing to tutoring. 

He had had the same roommate all four years.  A friend from home was
supposed to room with him, but decided on a different college at the 
last minute.  Something similar had happened to David's prospective 
roommate.  So, they were thrown together by chance and stayed together 
by choice.  It wasn't ‘love' at first sight, but slowly they developed 
respect and a friendship that would last the rest of their lives. 

It was through David that Alex met Ann, whom he would marry.  They were
sophomores and were standing outside the library arranging a time to 
meet later.  Ann was going into the library and stopped to ask David a 
question about an assignment given in a class they had together.  Alex 
was mesmerized by her smile.  He could hardly wait until she left to 
find out more about her.  He took her out for the first time that 
weekend to a campus social.  He never dated anyone else.  They began a 
friendship that worked itself into mutual respect and then into love.  
She dated a little more after that first date, but always said ‘yes' 
when he asked her out.  They were engaged during the summer before 
their senior year.  Neither ever had a moments doubt that they were 
meant for each other. 

Ann's home life was pretty different from Alex's.  Her mom never worked
outside the home and her dad worked on construction.  Her brothers were 
two and four years older.  They were a close family and had many good 
times.  It was a comfortable home, but money was tight.  They had 
everything they needed, but only a few wants.  If they wanted more they 
found odd jobs to do for others.  During high school they all worked 
part time jobs.  Ann had an academic scholarship at college and worked 
part time in the school's bookstore.  It always amazed Alex that she 
could plan such wonderful activities for them or a group with very 
little money and effort.  She taught him the value of simple pleasures. 
 Her senior year in high school and college she managed to not have to 
work so that she could enjoy her senior years.  It was an indication of 
her practicality and foresight as well as her nack for good times. 

Click here to read the rest of this story (568 more lines)

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