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Love For A Soldier (standard:drama, 363 words)
Author: LadyofMistyFogAdded: Apr 02 2003Views/Reads: 3360/1Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Trinity didn't want to fall in love with a military man, especially not now, but she didn't have a choice.

She sat in front of the television, shock and horror clear on her face. 
The news was devastating, her country was at war. The thought of people 
she knew out in another country, preparing to kill others, was enough 
to chill her to the bone, but there was another reason why she hoped it 
would be over quickly. 

Her fiance, Micheal, was in training for the Marines.  If the war
continued, it was a guarantee that he would be sent on over to help 
settle the score.  The very idea terrified her and made her watch the 
news coverage non stop in a vain hope that they would nail their 
target.  But so far, the war continued. 

What the hell had she been thinking, getting involved with another
military man?  She had sworn them off after the last two mistakes, one 
of which was Kuwait, serving for the Reserves.  Hadn't she learned to 
avoid the whole mass of "do good for your country"? 

She supported the troops, mainly because she knew that in this time, the
troops needed the support.  They could argue about the morals of the 
war at a later time, because all the protest in the world was not going 
to end the war.  Rather, the effort put into protesting needed to be 
placed into praying that all the troops came home safe and quickly.  
But, how she wished that the war was not, because even the slim chance 
of loosing Micheal to Iraq was horrifying.  She couldn't even begin to 
image how those who did have loved ones across seas felt, or even 
worse, those that had lost loved ones. 

With a sudden need to be close with Micheal, she ran to her room and
retreaved the many letters he had wrote her.  With flourish, she began 
to read them, drinking up the love that poured from his words.  How 
grateful she was that these letters came only from boot camp and not 
from another country.  But as long as there were other troops fighting 
in the other countries, she would be supportive, because she didn't 
want Micheal to go and be hated by the people of his home.


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