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Legend of Luc (standard:adventure, 1300 words)
Author: MumblebeeAdded: Dec 16 2000Views/Reads: 4009/2270Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Is that a girl or a boy?

On a gloomy day the wind howled and lightning shattered the sky, adults
and children ran for cover as drips of rain started to fall. A baron or 
what the townspeople assumed to be trotted on his fine Arabian stallion 
until he reached Lord Martin’s manor. Quickly the serfs took his horse 
to the stable then welcomed him in. 

Quietly the baron sat by the fire to dry himself. As Lord Martin and
Lady Uma entered, the baron rose kissing lady Uma’s hand. Then he 
uncovered his hood and revealed a long tumble of blonde hair. This was 
no baron but Lucacina the child of Lady Uma. 

“ Terrible weather we’re having, isn’t it mother dear?” questioned

“True, true,” replied her mother like an angelic swan. 

Then John and Irvine, the pages, started serving dinner. 

“Yum! Pecking Duck, Quail, Roast Boar and Hare’s Feet, my favorite,”
Lord Martin joyfully cried. 

The next morning Lucacina hurried to go hawking with her father.
Lucacina was a very unusual lady. Instead of sowing she pleased herself 
by hawking. Her mother called her a tomboy. 

As she swung into the sidesaddle she moaned with uncomfortably. She was
only allowed to ride like a man when she dressed like a baron, but it 
was only a quick trip around the village. 

As Arrow her brown  and white falcon returned the falconer lifted him up
for me to pet Arrow. 

Unexpectedly a scream came from the manor! As fast as lightning the
group galloped back to manor. Lord Martin jumped of his horse and raced 
for his lady’s chamber calling her name so that through out the manor 
you could here him. 

As he flung open the door the kidnapper disappeared with Lady Uma. Lord
Martin raced to the window only to see the black rider galloping off. 

“Ervin! Gather all my knights, quickly!” bade Lord Martin. 

“Father let me go instead!” suggested Lucacina. 

“No!” snapped her father. 

Furious she ran to her chamber, packed some supplies, raced to the
stable, mounted her father’s quarter horse, Dancer and calling for her 
falcon Arrow cantered away! 

As she cantered off, “Luc,” she thought, “ will be my new name.” 

Then an unexpected noise came from a cottage on the moor. Curiously and
cautiously she dismounted and walked towards the cottage. Luc knocked 
on the twice then bade them to open the door. Finally the door slowly 
opened revealing a bruised boy; his four younger sisters and brothers, 
his unconscious father and his frightened mother huddled on the floor 
in fear for a knight stood over them looking for money or anything 
valuable to take for taxes. 

“Stop,” she cried, “For I am Luc Brave and Mighty!” 

“ Girl don’t fool yourself,” he bellowed and continued rummaging. Anger
raged in her, the same rage she got when her father ignored her. 
Drawing her sword she repeated the sentence but louder! 

Then with her sword she charged at the knight, but alas he was quicker!
In a wink of an eye the sword was out of her hand. 

Gasping the woman begged him to let Luc go. In one last breath she
cried, “Arrow!” 

Like the wind Arrow swooped down clawing the knight fiercely. Next Arrow
broken his sword into two in fear he would attack again. In fear the 
vicious bird would harm him again the cowardly knight ran to his horse 

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