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There is Always a Reason For My Insanity (standard:Creative non-fiction, 1362 words)
Author: JonboydubAdded: Feb 28 2004Views/Reads: 3636/2285Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Uhhhhh, you tell me how to describe it please. I mean shit! It is just Insanity! Help me please!

Thinking Too Much “there is always a reason for my insanity” By:
Jonathan Pettus 

I really don't want to think it's me when I'm doing the things I want to
do. I'm not hurting anybody. People jump so quickly too judge the 
things you do. Oh God even my family. 

Words get said that can hurt and concentration is lost in the confusion
of it all, but still to this day I'm going to do what I want and still 
stand tall. 

I'm not feeling sorry for myself. Like you think I maybe, but then again
it really don't matter what you think of me. 

“I'm just trying too prove I'm right,” is what you say. That's ok,
because one fine day... 


If I get just one plea to that spirit in the sky. That will be my bid.
I'll get real high so I can deal with all your shit. So listen to this 
rhyme from me too you, because too me it's already in my top ten list 
of hits! 

Things go crazy and get all fucked up and hazy! You fly of the handle
when you go off judging, jumping, and screaming. Now it takes two to 
tango I know, but with drama peacefully I can not flow. Wake up and see 
that if the drama never even began this advice I get might not be 
coming from Bradley. Who told me to be strong and too never leave the 
side of my van. So I'm done with you! The beatings are through! This 
can also be the same for society too. Living life for what it is! 
Holding on to the loving that I found. It's with these people I will 
always make my biz. 

I love life! What I want to do is live it, and dude's this is my master

These things can make a grown man lose his sanity. Make him do things
that will put him in that fucking state pen. Another human life 
disposed of because all that you fuckers look at is face value. Here we 
go again with the same old trend. 

If your reading my voice then you do and will always have this choice.
Friends are just like family. Honesty is better than any monetary 
policy! Do what you do and do want you want too do with your true 
family! Like I said my main trend is my family of friends! 

Forget the bad fish, but love them for they know not what they do.
Judgmental fools in the end will see that you can actually live with 
the real you. Not some fucked up and mixed up slacker. Rock on loving 
life, keep trucking and being a back-packer! 

You see right here that this one cracker is just going too light a joint
to prove my little point. Loving is what I sought and loving is what I 
got! Bradley up to you. To me this is what you taught, and if I go on 
talking, I also will be judging. 

So let's stop stressing. Come on dude this is what I want to do! Here
you go, I'm passing the “doob.” Sit back, live life, just chill, and 
with the rhyming beats of music our souls were going to fill! Go on and 
on doing what we want to. Without any mother fucking strife! 

We fight for reasons that I just don't know. Yes you say that you know,
but this is what I and hopefully a few others say. Maybe it's not your 
fault you're slow. It must be all the shit in the air. These so called 
reasons are all leading too something that no one seems to care. 

Drop a bomb on some country you muscle bound freak, and I'll do it right
back too you!  With a bomb peace is what these countries seem too seek, 
but they get confused. Am I fighting for religious freedom? Hell, I 
just don't know, but we'll make some money. Revenge also is the key for 
these countries whom seem too seek peace. Back and forth, forth and 
back, common sense I think is what they lack. Your society taught me to 
be the bigger man, and we all know the man has the plan. When the one 
who is wrong is coming at you turn the other cheek. This is different, 

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