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A Butcher's Work (standard:drama, 254 words)
Author: K. DerbyAdded: Mar 17 2004Views/Reads: 3381/0Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
In response to red1hols post in the forum.

A Butcher's Work 

I was crying. 

I discussed it with my wife and, to my horror, she agreed.  Bartholomew
had to go.  He needed to die.  My wife, normally a warm and 
compassionate human being, cold-heartedly agreed.  He needed to die.  
It was necessary. 

It was almost as if Bartholomew was born to die at my hand.  Even I
couldn't rationalize his continued existence.  No matter what I did, 
how hard I tried, he still needed to die. 

It was almost ordained. 

I so didn't want the guy to die.  He was beautiful, fully formed and
brilliant, able to come up with snappy phrases and catch-lines on the 
spur of a moment.  Always funny, always smart, the ladies loved him. 

And so did I. 

I loved him to such an extent that my own flesh and blood seemed but
pale shadows when held up against the light of his personality.  
Strong, yet tender and compassionate.  Opinionated, yes - at times 
obnoxious as well, but willing to listen to anyone who would speak 
their minds.  And loving.  Oh yes, so loving towards his friends and 
family that they would gladly lay down their own lives for him.  All he 
had to do was ask for this favour and they would. 

But he couldn't. 

Because I would never give him the chance.  It would be quick, not
especially painful, but he had to die.  And I had to kill him. 

To reveal his true character, of course. 

I returned to my study to finish my writing. 


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