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Heavenly Love (standard:other, 1013 words)
Author: P.D. BrownAdded: Mar 07 2005Views/Reads: 3223/2117Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Man meets soul mate through prayer

As his fingers danced upon the keyboard wondering what to write about,
his boggle-box remembered how he came to know the Lord. 

It was a cold but clear day. He had not long been awake when the postman
arrived. Amongst the collection of mail was a letter from BT Cellnet 
(mobile phone Company) and leafing through the pages one page read: 

‘You don't know what you'll be stuffing this Christmas'. 

Well intrigue had got the better of him this time so he punched in the
numbers to join the chat-up forum. He then typed: 

‘I'm 31 and long to be a toy-boy'. 

It happened that he was getting responses but not the ones he longed
for. As he poured himself another glass of vodka whilst smoking a 
strong spiff he found himself praying aloud. 

‘Father I know I am a sinner but don't I deserve love on earth?' 

It was after this that he amazed even himself for saying this as yes, he
had knowledge of God but it was head-knowledge. Within the last twelve 
hours of that day Toby was sending texts back and forward to Caroline. 

Caroline was already married. He discovered on one of the messages she
had sent that her number had also propped up on the minute screen-he 
rang that number. 

‘You'll lucky you know cause they're not in.' 

‘Who.' he asked. 

‘My hubby and his mother!' came her reply. ‘He's a mummies boy if you
hadn't already guessed.' She spoke with aggression in her voice. 

Shortly into their conversation Caroline began to sob. Pity was
beginning to fill his heart. Memories of what he had gone through with 
his own mother began to play on his psyche. Horror stories that he was 
hearing through the ear-piece to his tiny phone was beginning to make 
him cry his anger out, not just for her but also for himself and the 
hurt that he had endured throughout his youth. It was as if something 
inside had snapped, as for the first time in years he was able to 

It was just as they were beginning to get along that her spouse and his
mother came back from bingo. 

‘I must go. I'll ring you next.' She said putting down the phone before
they entered the building. 

Hours went passed and there wasn't a word from her. Toby began to worry
that something had gone wrong. The light of day turned into darkness 
and as he stretched his way of the mattress and made his way downstairs 
to prepare a meal, the phone rang, the name Cazzie was readable upon 
the screen and as he answered it her voice said 

‘We're home now.' 

‘Oh right ok!' he replied back. 

‘We were at his mothers when you last rang.' She responded with hast. 

‘So who is hubby?' Toby asked trying to make conversation. 

‘He's Herbert! And all he's into is his trains.' 

‘I'm going to tell you a secret but not just now-later ok!' 

‘Ok.' He answered and then the phone went dead. 

He then went out into the kitchen and put into the middle of a boiling
oven that had been on all through the second of their conversation, a 
vegetable pie. Moments later Caroline had rang him back. 

‘Ready for the secret I'm hiding.' She sobbed. 

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