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My Sandwich (standard:Creative non-fiction, 410 words) | |||
Author: freerangemike | Added: Mar 20 2005 | Views/Reads: 4040/0 | Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes) |
Sometimes a sandwich is more than just a sandwich. Sometimes, it is a really good sandwich. | |||
I just had one of the best peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the history of mankind.It was epiphanal. It was orgasmic. It was Shakespearean. Wow. There are a few watershed moments in the history of America. The Declaration of Independence. The Civil War. Pearl Harbor. The death of John Denver. And now, my sandwich. The only question that remains is whether we move forward or backward now. Can America build on the legacy of my sandwich, or will we use it for evil? Sure, we could rest on our laurels, and turn inward, to protect the secrets of my sandwich, preventing the proliferation of sandwich materials and capabilities to the axis of evil, and those who would do us harm. Maybe we will isolate ourselves from the rest of the lesser-sandwich eating population. Or, maybe we use this opportunity to spread the message of the sandwich to the world. We could open our arms, and show the world the way. With the rapid expanse of technology and synthetic peanut butters and genetic engineering, we may even be able to improve upon that sandwich. For that is the hope of democracy. And after we get done exporting democracy, hopefully there will still be someone spared from the bombs to enjoy it. I can hear Neil signing: "Far. They're traveling far. Without a home. Not without a star. Free. They want to be free. Huddled close, hold on to a dream. On the boats, and on the planes, they're eating their sandwiches. Got a dream, to take em there. They're eating their sandwiches. Today." Perhaps the sandwich epitomizes the height of our species, and marks the start of the Apocalypse, as we will never again attain such glory. Perhaps God himself was born incarnate in my sandwich, and the sandwich represented the anticipated rapture the world has awaited for two millennia. At the last supper, Christ shared his body in the breaking of bread. Peanut butter is just the substance to stick the bread back together. And jelly is just the substance to make it tasty. As we move forward this day, I challenge each of you to live a life worthy of my peanut butter and jelly sandwich. When laziness tugs at your legs, when pain surges through your back, when doubt enters your conscience, when cynicism darkens your soul, think of the sandwich. Think of the glories that we can achieve. Together. You. Me. And my now eaten sandwich. Tweet
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