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WARNINGS (standard:horror, 1168 words)
Author: KatAdded: Aug 13 2005Views/Reads: 3132/2216Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
This is a repost and edit of my original story warnings that i posted in 2002, someone commented on it and asked me to update it so here we go!

Click here to read the first 75 lines of the story

was a long pause before Shelley replied, “Of course I'm sure big 
sister, and there's nothing to worry...WHAT THE HELL???” 

“Shelley what is it?!  Shelley answer me!  SHELLEY?!” 

As the attendant screamed, “There's someone in the back of your car!” my
heart jumped into my throat and my stomach clenched.  I picked up the 
hatchet and slowly started to rise as the young woman began talking 
with her sister.  She screamed in absolute terror when she saw me in 
the rearview mirror, but her fear only fueled my adrenalin.  She 
slammed on the brakes as I drew back with the hatchet and drove it deep 
into her chest.  The tires locked and the car skid sharply across the 
rain slicked road, landing nose first into a steep ditch.  
Unfortunately, her violent writhing and the abrupt halt of the car 
caused the blade to miss her heart.  Each time that my dripping blade 
sank into her flesh my power over her grew.  Finally she slumped over 
onto the passenger seat...dead.  Blood was splattered everywhere, 
dripping onto the floor and forming small pools of crimson.  The sweet 
smell of fresh death was in the air.  As I looked at my painting of 
death, I could hear her sister screaming and crying on  the cell phone. 

“I'm sorry, Shelley won't be coming home tonight; but maybe I will.”  I
laughed cruelly as I heard her screaming cries for God and her sister, 
and hung up the phone.  I climbed over Shelley's mutilated corpse and 
stumbled out of the car.  With my blood soaked gloves I wrote on her 
window, YOU SHOULD'VE LISTENED TO HIS WARNINGS!  I reached back into 
the car for her purse, pulled out her wallet and looked at her driver's 

“ Hmmmmm.  Shelley Winters, 111 Willimantic Boulevard, Georgia Heights,
California.  Maybe I will go pay your sister a visit tonight 
Shelley...maybe I will...” 


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