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Bound For The Dark Side, Chapter Three (standard:drama, 3450 words) [3/3] show all parts
Author: Brian CrossAdded: Dec 28 2005Views/Reads: 2961/2126Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Barbara Blandford is a happy and powerful young woman, but increasingly things are turning against her, reviving memories of an unhappy childhood


Dianne Blandford, dressed only in a purple robe paced the lounge floor
restlessly. Barbara could scarcely recall seeing her mother so angry 
and ill at ease. 

‘I trust you don't expect me to contribute to your foolhardy action
young lady, whatever possessed you to pursue this foolhardy course I've 
no idea, I thought that when you'd completed your studies, at least you 
would have spent a little time at home contemplating before jumping in 
with both feet.' 

Barbara's ebony eyes held her mother's furious gaze unflinchingly;
financial help in her move with Mark? She wouldn't have considered 
asking for it. Although not having worked professionally for some years 
Dianne held an inheritance of considerable proportions, though the 
possibility of a handout hadn't entered her mind. She was prepared to 
stand and be counted on the issue. 

‘I'm not jumping in with both feet, as you put it,' her voice composed,
she stared back defiantly, ‘I'm big enough and old enough to look after 

‘Only you won't simply be looking after yourself, will you Barbara?'
Dianne retorted, seizing her opportunity with a sudden self confidence. 
‘You'll be catering for him as well.' 

Barbara swung away and faced the front bay window. She slapped her palm
against her forehead before turning back with a forced smile, ‘Mother 
how can you say that? Mark has prospects as promising as my own, he'll 
be a civil engineer in no time...' 

Dianne flung out her arms, ‘I know it seems all hunky dory, Barbara, but
I sense something in him and I of all people should know - remember my 
own experience.' 

Barbara's face soured. She didn't need reminding of that, nonetheless
she wasn't about to let her mother's misfortunes guide her. The legacy 
of her father's heartless actions had left its scar but she was going 
to trust and believe in Mark – stand and fall by him, not all men were 
the same. Moreover, it seemed that her mother's attitude towards them 
of late had been sculptured purely out of her own experiences, less and 
less it seemed was reason the prevailing factor. 

‘My mind's made up,' Barbara crossed her arms and calmly stared her
mother out. There was an intransigence in the stance that finally 
convinced Dianne of the hopelessness of her task. 

‘You'll get no inheritance from me my girl, neither of you...' as soon
as the words had left her mouth Dianne wished she could scoop them 
right back in. 

‘Thanks Mother,' Barbara said flatly, ‘do you really think I'd let that
influence my thinking?' She turned her back, headed for the door. 

‘Barbara wait...' Barbara hurried to the lounge door, grabbing her
daughter's arm. 

‘Not now Mother if you please, I've a busy day ahead.' Barbara's arms
were solid and strong, and she freed herself easily, climbing the 
stairs two at a time whilst trying to clear her head of conflicting 

Mother had been angry and upset, of course she had; her actions had been
governed by concern she had no doubt, but it was still concern formed 
by her own tribulations. Of course the blame lay with her father for 
the appalling way he'd broken away all those years ago. It had rocked 
their small family to its foundations, uprooted the core of their lives 
and scattered the segments around like the aftermath of an explosion. 
He'd seemed so caring, she could see now it was only a cover – it had 
always been, simply to divert attention from his adulterous activities. 

And mother had never proved strong enough to fight back, she'd allowed
the experience to overcome her – though it had been with his help – 

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This is part 3 of a total of 3 parts.
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