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My Magical Morning Drive (standard:Inspirational stories, 1231 words) | |||
Author: AMY B. | Added: Aug 25 2006 | Views/Reads: 6703/2096 | Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes) |
I wrote this one day after experienceing a drive i did every morning to work. I awoke to the fact we take things for granted and don't pay attention to the small beautiful things that surround us everyday. Especially Mother Nature. | |||
" My Magical Morning Drive" Early one morning as I drove to work down a road I traveled many times beforeI suddenly realized the quiet subtle beauty that surrounded me.I was like a blind person seeing for the first time. The road I travel is a long winding curvy one,and around each curve was like unwrapping a surprise gift. The gentle curves of the road makes you slow down enough for you to look in awe if you choose, at all the beautiful things that is our's to look at like a giant painting that we are part of. I was coming down off a high hill,as I looked through my windshield,I decided to slow down some, so I could absorb this magnificent view. There was a light fog that morning drifting around, you could see billowy sensuous soft fingers of mist as it seemed to wrap itself around the curvy road, as if it was saying " right this way for unforgettable and up coming attractions.Autumn had set in,and everything was blazing with color! The trees were beginning to drop their heavy bounty of leaves, leaving a carpet in shades of rich orange's gold's', and yellow's around their trunks.I saw a large flock of birds fly over head migrating south.I silently said to them" Good by for now, see you in the spring.I looked to my left and there stood a herd of spotted cow's.They had what looked like jigsaw puzzle shape pieces haphazardly stuck on them in black and white. They had little fingers of mist silently almost lovingly winding around their legs. The light shifting shadow's of mist was beginning to lift up into the bright early morning orange sunrise, that was climbing higher with lavender and pink puffy clouds hanging around it as if protecting it.Just that sunrise alone was a show in itself.I could feel its soft warmth on my face as it came through my windshield.The morning sunray's was shifting through the brightly colored tree's, making the tiny fingers of mist twist and turn like in a dance,like it was alive and trying to run and hide. As I turned down another curve,I looked off to my right there was the fence that held in two beautiful brown horses that always's were standing together as mates watching the road, unruffled as a noisy truck roared by going the opposite direction. I wondered briefly, if he also was looking at this early morning view as a gift, and slowly unwrapping it as I was ? I could see off in the distance a small pond with long ropey,wispy fingers of mist racing around it, in a slow gyrating dance protecting its contents. Another flock of birds flew over the sunrise pink sky,and the saying,"Birds Of A Feather Flock Together" ran through my head, and I had to laugh at myself for being silly. I had my radio very low during this time of Magic, and the soft music just seem to fit with my nature view that I was so honorably picked that magical morning to see. I also remembering swerving around a dead skunk on the road,I wrinkled my nose, and another song popped into my head, "Dead Skunk Laying in The Middle Of The Road"I laughed again, I marveled at how such a beautiful small black and white fury little creature can smell so bad!! Like it was saying in its last dying breath!There!take that why don't ya! Bet you wont forget me now!! I passed the little Grave Yard with the quaint little church of days gone by, and remembered my childhood, and going to a little church much like it,in days of much simpler times. The graveyard is well cared for.I can see flower's placed on markers by loved ones left behind.There was little fingers of mist swirling around the head stones looking ghostly,as the sun bounced its orange rays of light off the stained glass windows of the church in a dazzling display of dancing colors. As I slowly went down the hill I could see the town way below,as mist moved like rolling waves around one red dot and one yellow dot I knew to be the towns Water towers. As the fog lifted up,it looked like blue smoke hanging in balance against the line where land and sky meet.I knew in my heart no artist brush could capture this beautiful display to hold forever on a canvas. It was just too fickle it changed each time I dared too blink!I was elated when I saw two large deer along the road. I slowed down even more!Just to drink into my thirsty soul their beauty! It touched my heart! The deer quickly moved off into the under brush to saftey. Click here to read the rest of this story (42 more lines)
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