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Seven (standard:other, 5465 words)
Author: MyAdded: Oct 21 2007Views/Reads: 2887/2032Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
This story is about a seven year old girl who has survived the apocalyspe and is working to bring the entire nation of chiledren under seven together. In a fight for surivival with no adults and no chance in hell of winning

Chapter 1 

The rain beat on the window pane in Jaime's bedroom. It was the same
gray sky as yesterday, the same dreary house, the same stillness that 
always wrapped itself around this unfortunate little girl. She shifted 
her weight from one side to the other and winced as her bruises rubbed 
against the chair she was strapped to. Her mother's boss had beaten her 
again. For three years they had dated and for three years she had been 
beaten regularly by the both of them. I miss daddy, l he never hit me. 
She thought. A single tear rolled down her cheek. She was safe for a 
little while. Her mom wouldn't be home until late. I wish I wasn't 
strapped to this chair. I have to go to the bathroom. She knew she must 
sit silently and hold it though. Her mother would beat her bloody if 
she wet herself. 

Lightning flashed shaking Jaime from her thoughts scaring her so badly
that she really did almost wet herself. She was so deep in thought that 
she didn't hear it when a car pulled up in the driveway. Is mommy home 
early? If I'm really good she'll untie me and then I'll be real quiet 
and hope that she forgets me. “Jaime”! Cried a deep voice 

No such luck it was Richards voice that assaulted her ears. I hope he's
sober. I hope he forgets that I'm here. 

“Yes Sir”, she called back in a meek and timid voice. “Where the hell
are you”? He screamed. “In my room sir”, she replied. She could hear 
his foot steps on the creaking floor boards and then the soft thump as 
he climbed the stairs. She watched with dread as the door knob turned 
and visibly slumped in her chair when he entered. He saw her strapped 
to the chair and smacked her. “You stupid girl what have you done this 
time?” She knew better than to tell him that she had done nothing so 
instead she said, “I was too loud sir.” 

He smacked her again. This time so hard that the chair she was sitting
in fell back with her still tied to it. “Look what you made me do you 
worthless piece of crap! If you scratched your mother's floor I'll beat 
you bloody. All the same he untied her. She rolled off the chair and he 
kicked her hard in the stomach. One more bruise among many. She 
suddenly became aware of the tears running down her cheek and quickly 
wiped them away before he could see her weakness. He took one final 
look at her and spit on her. She lay in a ball on the floor and heard 
him rummaging through a drawer in her mothers bedroom. It seemed like 
ages had passed before she heard him shut the bedroom door and head 
back down the steps to leave again. She sat the chair in an upright 
position and went to the bathroom only just barely making it in time. 
Now that she was loose she needed to feed and bathe Chris her little 
brother whom thankfully Richard had forgotten about. As she went 
towards his room she could hear his gentle sobbing. She opened the door 
and found him huddled in a corner of his bed. When he saw her he ran 
into her arms and began crying so hard his whole little body began to 
shake. She took him downstairs into the kitchen. Their wasn't much food 
in the refrigerator but she found pancake mix and even found a little 
blueberry jam left to smear on his pancakes. All covered in Jam and 
smiling, Chris reached for Jaime and she picked him up and carried him 
to the bathtub. She even added a little of the lavender bubble bath she 
kept hidden to his bath water. “Jaime? Did he hit you again?” “Yeah he 
hit me. It wasn't that bad though.” She said softly He yawned loudly 
and his eyelids began to droop. “Chris I think someone needs a nap.” He 
nodded his head and Jaime quickly rinsed the soap off. “Jaime...I love 
you.” “I love you too.” 

She reached for a towel and dried him off. Together they walked towards
his room hand in hand. They opened his drawer in search of the perfect 
pair of pajamas. Upon finding them and putting those on Chris climbed 
into bed and Jaime hopped in next to him. The two of them cuddled 
together and took a nice long nap. Jaime woke to the sound of her 
mothers car backfiring. She could only hope her mommy would forget her. 
She could only pray that just once mommy wouldn't hit her. 

Janice walked into the house. It was dead quiet and the kitchen was
spotless. So the little brat finally figured out how to clean the damn 
house. She was exhausted and just wanted to lie down and enjoy some 
peace and quiet. She slowly walked up the stairs. She could hear Chris 
snoring from the stairwell. As she reached the landing she sighed, she 
didn't have the energy to deal with Jaime at the moment. Besides for 

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