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Lucas and the Giant Zucchini (standard:other, 1957 words)
Author: Lauren H.Added: Oct 30 2007Views/Reads: 3220/2158Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
This is a cute story about baby Lucas who makes quite a discovery.

Lucas and the Giant Zucchini 

It was a hot Sunday afternoon in August when ten-month-old Lucas and his
family went to visit Nanna and Pappy Shellhammer at their cute little 
suburban bungalow in western Maryland. The Miller family had been 
having a three week vacation and this was one of the places that they 
liked to visit at least once during the summer. The weather was perfect 
for traveling that day with a blue sky with barely any clouds and the 
temperature held steady at 89 degrees. There had not been any rain for 
quite awhile where Nanny and Pappy lived. Nanna Linda made them all 
feel quite at home as she escorted them inside of her house which 
always smelled like apples and cinnamon. 

They were hot and tired after the long car trip from their home at
Maryland's eastern shore. Nanna told them to put their traveling bags 
and other stuff at the foot of the staircase where they could be dealt 
with later. Nanna Linda and Pappy Karl hugged and kissed them all one 
by one. Baby Lucas allowed himself to be picked up and fussed over. 
Lucas only saw his Nanna three times a year but she was one of his 
favorite people. He always had a big smile on his little round face at 
the sight of her. Nanna kissed his platinum blonde head. She marveled 
over how much all of the children had grown since Easter. 

The eight-year-old, brown-haired twins Kayla and Kris stood nearby and
admired Nanna Linda. They thought that she was very pretty with her 
soft green eyes, bright smile and shoulder-length, grayish-blonde hair 
which she always wore pulled back. They laughed and ran to Pappy Karl 
when he opened his arms for a big hug. They always loved him on sight 
with his merry blue eyes, gray hair which always looked messy, his 
funny mustache and gray hair sticking out of his ears. 

Nanna seated them all in her cool dining room where a ceiling fan slowly
turned overhead. She brought them frosty cold glasses of iced tea with 
big slices of lemon stuck on each glass. They didn't know how she did 
it, but her iced tea was always the most delicious that they ever 
tasted, She was going to put Lucas and his parents up in her spare 
bedroom that night, while Kayla and Kris would going to camp out on the 
living room floor in their matching sleeping bags. 

While they drank iced tea and made conversation, Pappy Karl went to dig
out some specially wrapped gifts from the hall closet. Pappy and Nanna 
had gone shopping the day before in anticipation of their family's 
visit. They bought clothing and toys for all three children. For their 
daughter Erin they bought a beautiful pair of gold earrings. For their 
handsome son-in-law Chris they bought a nice collection of science 
fiction novels. The group were delighted with their gifts. Chris who 
was always quietly emotional got moisture in his brown eyes when he saw 
the set of leather bound books. Baby Lucas was the happiest of all with 
his soft red Elmo doll. 

Lunch was served soon after the opening of the gifts. Nanna was a good
cook and the tuna salad sandwiches with homemade bread and butter 
pickles on the side were quite delicious. Baby Lucas dined on mashed 
carrots, a jar of baby food stew that his mother had brought along and 
a hard teething cookie for dessert. He had three teeth and was getting 
two more. While everyone was eating they talked animatedly and got 
caught up on the events that had happened since their last visit. After 
the food was all devoured Nanna and Erin washed the dishes, while Chris 
and Pappy took the traveling bags upstairs. Kayla and Kris played with 
their new toys. 

When baby Lucas was finished gnawing on his cookie Erin changed his
diaper and washed the remains of lunch from his hands and face. He 
usually took an hour long nap after lunch. Erin tucked him in the 
little trundle bed in the spare room with his Elmo doll. He was already 
nodding off and did not protest. Then she joined her mother on the 
shady back porch where climbing roses and morning glories grew in great 
profusion. The two women sat and proceeded to shuck corn and snap beans 
for supper later. Kayla and Kris played out back on a wooden tree 
swing. Pappy took Chris to the garage where they looked at Pappy's 
latest hobby a "1973" 850 Motoguzzi Eldorado motorcycle. Nanna 
laughingly told Erin that her father was trying to act like a 
twenty-year old again. He worked on his motorcycle every spare minute 
and took it out for a ride every evening after supper. 

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