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My Little Angel (standard:poetry, 317 words)
Author: MarieGranadosAdded: Jan 03 2009Views/Reads: 3005/2Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A poem written to help me with a loss.

It is once again that my faith has been hardened.  It is during times
like these when I wonder if there is a God, or a greater good.  I lend 
my faith into hands I can't see and hope that the choices made for me 
are for the best.  I pray to Him to do as He sees fit, that no matter 
what He decides I know He has His reasons, and that whatever He chooses 
for me, it is because He knows I can handle it with grace. 

I held in me a new life, a tiny life no bigger than a speck of rice, but
one that I ultimately cherished all the same.  I immediately nourished 
my body and held shelter, for that little life's dependence on me was 
apparent.  My little life was my hope, and my dream.  I was to carry 
that little miracle until it bloomed, able to stand life on its own 
outside of me. 

It was seen fit that now was not the time and slowly and with much
torment you fled from me.  You were merely in sight a speck of rice, no 
life of your own yet, nothing to distinguish you, barely even there 
with so much time still to grow. 

I asked Him, if it was not to be, why not make it quick, why must it be
drawn out?  How could He be so cruel?  Was He once again testing my 
faith, or lack thereof?  How could He create such a miracle, a life and 
so cruelly take it away? 

Answers to these questions I'll without doubt never have, and so I say
goodbye to you, and hold you up, to the heavens to be with those that 
have also made their way.  You're with the heroes now, may they hold 
you in their gentle arms until I can hold you in mine. 

My little angel. 


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