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I want the world to be smballer (standard:poetry, 135 words)
Author: Kare_BearAdded: Jan 09 2009Views/Reads: 3567/2Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A poem to my 4 1/2 year old niece.

I want the world to be smaller 

So I can visit with you. 

I want the world to be smaller 

So I can see Grandma too. 

I want the world to be smaller 

So we can see far away places. 

I want the world to be smaller 

So we can meet friendly faces. 

I want the world to be smaller 

So I won't miss you so much. 

I want the world to be smaller 

So you can come visit us. 

I want the world to be smaller 

So we could visit every day! 

I want the world to be smaller 

So I could walk to your house to play. 

I want the world to be smaller 

So we'll always be together 

I want the world to be smaller 

So we'll never miss each other, never! 


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