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The Labors of Miss Lemon (standard:poetry, 709 words) | |||
Author: kathyg | Added: Jan 10 2009 | Views/Reads: 2977/1925 | Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes) |
Who really is the brains behind all those cases Poirot wins? Miss Lemon wants a raise! | |||
The Labors of Hercule..ha ha I say! More like the sweat of Miss Lemon For all that I do for Poirot every day! And with a sweep of my pen I have more power. I know what is what! And I say what's when! Poirot takes all the glory But that is another story! And I type all the papers He takes all the bows And I solve all those capers! He gets all the "wows"! And just think he's smart? That's a laugh I say Poirot is a stumphead I will prove it with ease He couldn't run this office To me it's a breeze! For the Labors of Miss Lemon Are labors in vain! Everything must be perfection To this detective's reflection The clues I do trace So Poirot wins the case But do I get the credit? The Labors of Miss Lemon Whodunit? I did it!! So who gets the praise? Poirot! Poirot points to more papers I must type up myself! Grrr....!! The Labors of Miss Lemon Running the office Tick tock It runs most efficiently Almost like a clock Click here to read the rest of this story (223 more lines)
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