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Sweet Oblivion (standard:poetry, 102 words) | |||
Author: Chantell | Added: Feb 12 2009 | Views/Reads: 2960/0 | Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes) |
poem i wrote about someone i care for deeply | |||
Sweet Oblivion The sweet oblivion of sleep, Eluding you each time you close your eyes Missing the soft, silk skin delicately stroking your cheek The trail of warmth refusing to leave your skin, His hand no longer there His godlike face forever embedded in your mind The deep eyes that would bewilder you, Freeze you in place, Leave you befuddled for only glancing into them, Only for a single second, Breath paused, Your mind no longer in your control No longer able to think for yourself You are no more in control of your own mind, Your own body, Your own heart Tweet
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