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The Pain of Loneliness (standard:poetry, 218 words)
Author: ChantellAdded: Feb 13 2009Views/Reads: 3004/0Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)

Life is a miracle Death is an atrocity Both are balanced Both need the
other Like we all depend on each other We need each other to survive 
Death needs life As much as life needs death We see one as a miracle We 
see the other as a horrible event Look at it a different way Death is 
just as good as life And life is just as horrible as death If they are 
both balanced Why does it hurt so much to lose? To lose love To lose 
life To lose someone you care about If they are both balanced Shouldn't 
they both feel the same? To live your life with someone you only love 
Is a curse To live your life with someone you are in love with Is a 
gift Just as life is a gift to some And just as death is a curse to 
some To be alone is the worst that can possibly happen to ones soul To 
have nothing but the company of their everlasting tears To have nothing 
but the company of their everlasting memories Loneliness can kill ones 
soul Loneliness can tear one apart from the inside out Loneliness is a 
death sentence meant for no one And no one should have to endure the 
void of loneliness 


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