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untitled (standard:poetry, 242 words)
Author: ChantellAdded: Feb 13 2009Views/Reads: 2793/0Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
.... this one kinda sucks but oh well

I can't stand this pain Is it a pain of loss? A pain of fear? A pain of
sadness? It feels as though My heart has been torn in two As though all 
hope is lost As though I cannot carry on As though I will not survive 
This pain is killing me inside and out My heart is no longer there It 
has not been for a long time If only just once more If only I had just 
one more chance Just one more chance to correct the mistakes Once more 
to perfect the unperfected Once more to have a heart Once more to have 
yet again what I have lost Once more to feel nothing but happiness This 
black void is growing bigger with every second of the hour I fear it 
will one day swallow me One day my world will come to an end Right 
before my very eyes my life is evaporating into thin air Why is this 
happening to me? When will this agonizing pain end? Do others feel as I 
do? Is he hurting as much as I am? Will this pain ever end? Why is my 
life forever destroyed? Will I ever have a second chance? Why must he 
do this to me? The questions that cannot be answered Will forever be 
asked If only someone had all of the answers Please someone help me to 
understand Why has this happened to me?


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