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the world's fattest munchkin ch. 2 (standard:romance, 3067 words) [2/3] show all parts
Author: YummyGurlAdded: Oct 19 2009Views/Reads: 2242/1525Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A story of love reunited...

Click here to read the first 75 lines of the story

Fitz walked Paris backstage to a dressing room while Roger just stood
there dumbfounded. 


Roger wasn't jealous that Paris was stealing Fitz from him. He was
jealous that Fitz had a best friend. Roger was envious of Fitz's 
relationship, and wished he could have the same thing. 

It's not like Roger never had a best friend before. There was Johnny who
died of natural causes. There was Anthony, who was only being his 
friend because he had a huge crush on Roger. Then there was Sutton. 

Gosh, Sutton... she was down to earth, honest, and always bland, which
really made Roger feel good about himself. She was forever beautiful 
despite her horrible sense of fashion. Boy! It was hideous...the only 
nice thing she'd wear was her smile; a bright smile that never seemed 
to disappear. Seeing her mouth move as she sang to him stole his heart 
and controlled his mind. Her voice stole audiences in hundreds of 
performances and broke his heart more than thousands of times. 

Roger shrugged off the pointless reminiscences as he exited the theatre.


Fitz (AKA Flower) and Paris sat inside an abandoned dressing room. It
was empty, since the main character is being fulfilled by understudies. 
The casting directors are still trying to figure out whom to replace 
the previous star. 

Flower brought out some left over Doritos from a dresser drawer and
offered some to Paris. She nibbled on a few as the Munchkin munched on 
the chips. “So tell me more of you,” Paris said. She really needed to 
let Flower feel more comfortable with her. 

She smiled as he recounted stories trying new foods, falling in love,
and simply dancing through life. “You fascinate me,” she admitted. 
Someone knocked as the dressing room door opened. 

Flower smiled as a tall brunette entered. “Hey there, Jizzy Fitzzy,”
said the girl with the buttoned nose and cute grin. She turned to Paris 
and freaked out. “OMG!” she exclaimed. “You're Paris Freaking Hilton!” 

Paris blushed. “Oh yes I am,” she replied. The girl giggled and jumped.
She looked to be 16 or 17 years old. “Paris Hilton!” she sang. “Paris 
is in my dressing room!” 

“Your old dressing room,” Flower corrected. The girl stopped and sighed.
As she did so, it was as if she aged 3 years in just a second. “I'm 
going to miss this place,” the girl whispered. Oh so she's the old 
girl, Paris realized. Sutton's her name. 

Sutton sat on a sponge futon leaning toward the wall. Paris noticed
Sutton's frumpy overalls and that she was wearing nothing under but a 
bra. How sad... 

“This is my friend, Sutton Lenny,” Flower introduced. 

“Lenny?” Paris said. “I've always pictured Lenny would be a boys name.” 

“Lenny's short for Helena,” Sutton explained. She twisted a strand of
brown hair in a finger. Paris found Helena sad. The name, not the girl. 

“Oh,” Paris yawned. 

“So what are you doing here?” Flower asked. 

“I was hoping to finish off my chips,” Sutton joked. Flower's cheese
covered cheeks blushed. 

Paris could sense some sort of connection going on between them. This
was sparking up some jealousy in her system. 

She gave Sutton the evil eye, which went by unnoticed. “So Sutton,”
Paris began, “why are you leaving Broadway?” 

Sutton sighed and said, “I have to take a few months off due to medical

Flower looked scared. “Are you going to die?” he shrieked. 

Sutton laughed. “No. I'm facing a dilemma.” She seemed embarrassed, but
brave. Flower sat beside her and held her hand. That hand should've 
been Paris's. How could he do that to her? Hold another girl's palm as 
if they were besties. Paris took a deep breath reminding herself that 
Sutton knew Flower back when he was Fitz. She really needed to get to 
know Sutton better before she judged her. That's it! 

“Hey Sutton,” Paris started, “How'd you like to have dinner with me and
my Flower tonight?” 

“Excuse me?” Sutton asked. She seemed to believe that Paris was speaking
of the hair between her legs. “I'm her Flower,” Flower responded. 
Sutton snorted. Literally. It must be humiliating to have a pig's nose. 

“Sure! It sounds fun,” Sutton exclaimed. 


Sutton stared into her closet wondering what to wear to dinner. She
didn't want to dress like herself, as if doing so would do her pride 
any good. She really needed to someone to guide her through these 
things. Maybe a sweet, cocky gay guy...That's it! 


Roger was in the bath when the phone rang. Of course he'd ignore it. He
was too busy soaking in his sanctuary to want to chat. Then it rang 
again. He groaned as he got of the tub and picked up the phone hanging 
adjacent the toilet. 

“Roger's office,” he answered. “This is Roger speaking. How can I help

“Hey babe,” said the angelic voice the on the other line. 

Sutton he realized. “Hey.” 

“Are you busy tonight?” she asked. 

“No,” Roger murmured, “Why do you need me to unclog your toilet again,
so you could flirt with that plumber next door?” 

Sutton giggled her sweet giggle that always made Roger feel bad about
himself. “No, silly,” she said, “I need your help dressing me up for a 
dinner with Paris Hilton.” 

“Does this dinner involve Fitz AKA Flower?” he asked. 

“Yeah! How did you know?” 

“Lucky guess...So why do you want me to dress you?” He was totally
dumbfounded of the situation. After all the messed up things he's done 
to Sutton, she deserves never to see him again. 

“I want you to dress me like the old days,” she said, “back when we were
still close.” 

Roger laughed as he popped bubbles on his nose. He didn't believe Sutton
knew what he was really up to whenever he'd borrow her grotesque 
clothes. He'd promise to return them, but instead Roger would burn her 
wardrobe one by one with Fitz, and later replace them with more 
fashionable stuff. He didn't want to just give her new clothes as an 
unexpected gift. That would definitely piss her husband off, but he's 
just another story. 

“Sure,” Roger gave in, “I'll be your fashionista.” 


Fitz was digging through his messy cook books, trying to figure out what
to serve tonight. He wasn't nervous about feeding Sutton, she's like a 
shark; she'll munch on anything. He was worried about what to give 
Paris. He didn't want to give her something she's eaten a million 
times. He wanted to feed her something delicious, but foreign to her 
slutty tongue. 

What can it be? Fitz thought as his uncle Ronny walked into his
apartment from next door. Uncle Ronny always seemed to make Fitz laugh 
without trying, with his ruddy cheeks and nose and his bushy red afro. 
That it! 

“Chris, we need more toilet paper and Febreze” Uncle Ronny started...
“Not now!” Fitz said as he rushed out of the apartment. 


Roger gazed at Sutton's half-naked body as she roamed through her tiny
closet looking for the perfect dress. He couldn't believe what his eyes 
were capturing. Roger knew it was rude to stare, but it was like a car just HAD to look. 

“I see you've gained weight,” Roger finally said. Though he'd only seen
Sutton nude in the dark under the covers, Roger was certain that she 
wasn't that fat before. It was as if she were becoming a taller version 
of Fitz. 

Sutton blushed as she skimmed through her floral gowns. “I've totally
let myself go,” Sutton confessed. Roger smiled. She was honest with 
herself, and that was just one of the many reasons he admired her...He 
didn't want to disclose it, but Roger really did like Sutton, the geek 
next door, the girl who could pick her nose with her tongue, Sutton. 

Roger pulled out one of the dresses he'd replaced for her a couple years
back. Though it was just two years old, it was still fashionable. “Why 
don't you wear this?” Roger asked. Sutton turned and giggled as she saw 
the sundress he chose. “It looks like something Glinda the Good would 

“Yeah, but it seems like the only thing that'll fit,” Roger touchéd.
Sutton sighed to the ugly truth. “I'll try it on, but if you laugh I'm 
taking it off.” Roger smiled at her effort. 


Paris wasn't sure what to bring to Flower's tonight. She didn't want to
bring flowers, because that'd be totally overdoing it. She didn't want 
to bring wine, because she had no one to drive her home, and she didn't 
want to wake up in the subway hung over again. 

She skimmed through her cupboard of things that needed to be given away.
She had plastic roses for Mother's Day, plastic eggs for Easter, and 
diet supplements for just any ol' birthday. She had over a hundred of 
prepared gifts, but none of them seemed to fit Flower's low standards. 
She didn't want to give him something he'll only use once, and knowing 
Flower, he might just use the diet supplements just once. Paris decided 
to just cop-out and close her eyes and whatever gift she grabs, is the 
gift for Flower. 


Fitz just got out of the shower when the doorbell rang. “Oh SHIZ!” he
squealed. He grabbed a robe as he rushed to the door, because he knew 
Paris didn't like waiting. Common fact... 

As he opened the door though, it wasn't Paris. Sutton stood there
wearing a bright pink dress that poofed out around the waist. “Wow,” 
Fitz said in awe. He hadn't noticed how fat Sutton had gotten. 

Sutton blushed as she came in.  She looked sexier than ever. She
obviously had help from Roger, because she would've never thought about 
wearing her Glinda dress. 

Fitz led her to the kitchen and noticed something about Sutton that
hadn't been apparent this afternoon. “So...” Fitz began. “You're 

Sutton sighed and nodded. “Seven months...” Fitz wasn't sure if she was
ashamed or stressed out. “Does Chris know?” Fitz asked. 

“Well you just found out, Christopher,” Sutton groaned. It felt odd
having someone call him by his real name. “I'm speaking of your 
husband,” Fitz corrected, “Christian.” 

Sutton flinched at his name. “I'm not sure...maybe my brother told him.”
It surprised Fitz that Hunter Robert was still friends with his 
sister's ex-husband. 

Fitz was angry for Sutton for not telling him about her pregnancy, and
sad that she was doing this alone.  Who could the father be? Last he 
checked, she was romancing with that French Adam dude, but he was so 


Paris rang Fitz's doorbell hoping she wasn't late. Stupid cab driver was
too busy flirting with her to pay attention to the road. She totally 
wasn't at fault with the old lady he ran over. 

The door opened and Sutton appeared. “Wow,” Paris said. She couldn't
believe the transformation that had occurred from the theater to now. 
Sutton was dressed like a real lady with pink Chanel and a baby bump. A 
baby bump? Paris was surprised to see someone like Sutton getting it 
on. But hey, love is love, and love comes in different tastes and 
sizes. : P 

“Do come in,” Sutton welcomed. “Your fat Flower is getting dressed.” 

Paris entered the apartment which smelled of chocolate and peanuts. She
observed the photos hanging the living of Flower on the 
beach with a little girl...a photo of him with a red headed woman at a 
picnic...cute pictures, funny pictures...all so candid and joyful. 
Paris was envious of the simple life portrayed on the walls. All her 
life, she'd imagined something like what this, and he had it. Him, 
Chris Fitz Gerald, the World's Fattest Munchkin. 

Flower entered the den wearing a red polo and white pants with white
shoes. “Did you wear those on purpose?” Paris asked. Flower's face 
became redder than his shirt. “You look like Christmas!” Sutton 

Flower lead them to the dining room to sit while he went to the kitchen
to get the food. Paris sat at the end of the dining table which was 
actually a billiard table, as she held Flower's gift on her lap. Sutton 
sat adjacent to her with a huge, with a hungry smile across her face. 

“I hope he has waffles!” Sutton anticipated. 

“But its 7:30,” Paris said. 

“I know.” 

“7:30 PM.” 

“Being pregnant can lead to weird eating habits.” 

“As if your eating habits weren't weird before the pregnancy,” Flower
said as he entered the dining room/billiard room with a white paper bag 
with red stripes. Paris pulled out a bottle and handed it to Flower. 
“For you,” she said. 

“Great now you can smell like a flower,” Sutton said as he sprayed
himself with the perfume Paris gave. 

Flower laughed. “Dig in.” Sutton was about to dig in arm into the bag,
when Flower pulled it. “Paris first,” he corrected, “She's our main 
guest.” Sutton groaned. “But I'M pregnant,” she complained. 

Paris dug into the paper bag already, so Sutton could go after her. Out
she pulled a hamburger wrapped up in yellow paper that read 
‘McDonald's.' “Are you serious?” Paris asked. “McDonald's is way below 
my league.” “Well, it's not like that's stopped you before,” Flower 
pointed out. Paris felt guilty. She was out of Flower's league. 

Sutton grabbed the bag and pulled out a box of 10 piece nuggets and a
super sized fries. “I thought they stopped the super size,” Paris 
commented. Flower blushed. “I've got hook-ups,” he said. 

Sutton munched away, eating three nuggets at a time. PIG, Paris thought
as she nibbled on a hamburger. “You don't need to be ashamed,” Flower 
assured. “The paparazzo's not looking.” Paris grinned. Flower was just 
such the womanizer! 

“So Sutton,” Paris said. “Are you having a boy or a girl?” Sutton
stopped eating and frowned. “I don't want to know,” she replied. Paris 
regretted asking her. This chick obviously didn't want to have a baby, 
Paris observed. 

“I hope you're having a girl,” Flower said, trying to be sympathetic.
But mostly PATHETIC. Paris couldn't believe herself. Why was she having 
bad thoughts about her Flower? Or was she just seeing him for who he 
really was? A loser who eats McDonalds and wears pink footsie pajamas. 
No! Paris screamed in her head. Stop it! Stop it, now! Paris thought. 

All of a sudden, the room became pitch dark and Flower and Sutton
stopped talking. “What's going on?” Paris screamed. Out of no where 
Perez appeared wearing a Hello Kitty shower cap and a bathrobe. 

“How'd I end up here?” Perez asked. “Oh you again...” 

“Why are you here?” Paris questioned. 

“As if I know,” Perez shot back. “You're the one who summoned me.” 

Paris shrugged. “I'm having second thoughts on Flower...” 

“You mean Boq?” 

“I mean that short, fat, cute, loveable theater geek, who's unworthy of
my beauty... and I'm unworthy of his love...” 

Perez laughed. “Well, I guess it's time to put your relationship to the
test!” He said as he faded away. 

“OH SHIZ!” Sutton exclaimed. “I think my water broke.” 

“I don't think your water broke,” Flower replied. “I know your water

To be continued... 


This is part 2 of a total of 3 parts.
previous part show all parts next part

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