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the world's fattest munchkin ch. 2 (standard:romance, 3067 words) [2/3] show all parts
Author: YummyGurlAdded: Oct 19 2009Views/Reads: 2604/1742Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A story of love reunited...

Ch. 2 Munching With MY Munchkin 

Paris Hilton was sinking in her giant purple bean bag as she stared out
the window and observed the world spinning on its axis. She felt like 
crap. Well, you are what you eat, she thought to herself. She should 
really stop having butt sex. But she just couldn't help it. She didn't 
have anything better to do since the night Flower Lollipop, or Fitz as 
he was born, left her. 

He was her Munchkin and she was his mistress. They were really making a
connection. If only she'd told him to stay after the restaurant 
incident, if only she'd gotten herself up! He wouldn't have run away. 

“I wonder what my Munchkin is doing right now,” Paris sang to herself.
Suddenly Perez popped out of the middle of nowhere. “You again...” 

“Yes me,” he sang. “Me, me me me me!” 

“Yes. I see that.” 


“Yeah! Whatever.” Paris just rolled her eyes. 

“You want to see him huh?” Perez smirked. Paris shrugged. She yearned to
hear Flower's calm voice saying her name. She craved for his silky 
black hair to sprinkle his itchy flakes upon her shoulder. She hungered 
for his blubbery abs to shake, shake, and shake as he danced to ‘Stars 
Are Blind.' 

“Yes. I need to see him...I miss him.” 

“As you wish,” Perez hummed as Paris closed her eyes and floated to the
Hilton Theater. 


Fitz just finished vacuuming the stage and was ready to mop. He totally
couldn't get last week out of his brain. The words she said, the 
expressions she made. It was as if she didn't like his taste in 
friends. He totally shouldn't have brought Idina. Gosh! Of all folks! 
Of course Paris would have a tough time pronouncing her name! He felt 
so ashamed of himself. He believed Paris would never want to see his 
fat face ever again... 

Suddenly the stage opened and out came Paris. “Flower!” she shouted with
joy. Fitz smiled. “Paris,” he whispered. They ran into each others arms 
and embraced. Her bony body against his soft blubber. 

“Hey! Let go of that married man!” someone yelled from backstage. They
let go and Fitz saw running from out of the curtains Roger. “What are 
you doing here? The matinee ended three hours ago! Don't you have 
anything better to do?” Fitz asked. Roger laughed. “Of course not! I'm 
a loser like you!” he replied. 

Paris stared at Roger, obviously annoyed. “Why are you crawling your
fine fingers upon his married shoulders,” Roger asked, “when you can 
cuddle wuddle with my bachelor wrinkles...” Fitz rolled his eyes. 

Paris laughed. “Do you even have any idea who you are flirting with?” 

Roger smirked. “Of course...You're Paris! Your grandfather owns this
theater! You can have any man in the world, but you seem to be mingling 
with the world's fattest Munchkin.” 

“First of all,” said Fitz, “the proper term is Munchkinlander. Secondly,
we're not lovers. We're just friends.” 

“Best friends,” Paris added as she clasped Fitz's chubby hand. 

Roger looked stunned. He was obviously jealous. 

“So what do you want to do?” Fitz asked Paris. 

“Talk,” she said, “just talk.” 

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This is part 2 of a total of 3 parts.
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