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To Look Into The Past (standard:horror, 705 words)
Author: GreenHeartAdded: Sep 17 2000Views/Reads: 3867/7Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A simple man with an interest in the past stumbles across something which he learns should best be left in the sands of time . . .

To Look Into the Past by Green Heart ( 

It is with great trepidation that I write these words: This is truly a
World of Darkness. For there is no other way to describe all that I 
have seen, and all that I have felt. 

Let me start this way, I am Leslie Armastad DeVou, last member of the
DeVou family that lives. Though I learned there are far many different 
states then just life... 

I was born in the small township of Arkham just a few hours outside of
Boston proper, my family had been a part of New England for long as 
anyone could recall.  It is even said that Aril DeVou was seen running 
a head of the MayFlower as it arrived at Plymouth. At touch glib for my 
taste if you ask me. 

For years I had been the sole accountant at a large import firm, many
books had my neat script pressed in their pages, letters, numbers each 
perfectly formed. Like all men that work hard, I took a great deal of 
pride in my work. Never in my entire career had there been a single 
irregularity with math or funds. 

A majority of my work could be done within the confines of my
comfortable flat that was roughly a street block or more from Gallatin 
and Son Import Company.  This left me enough time to go after my true 
passion, things from the past.  It is little known that when ever a 
museum piece would come in, I would quietly move down to the docks and 
examine it while there were only a few people around. I would 
photograph it and place the picture within a  album that I had been 
collecting over the years. 

And, as time went on, I found myself being drawn toward not only the
regular museum pieces, but things that were odd or had strange 
histories behind them. Stone cuttings that came from South America that 
depicted strange and wondrous gods forgotten., English and Spanish arts 
from The Inquisition, Papyrus that holds the writings of long dead 
kings. For these, I created a special note book and album. 

For hours I would re-read passages in books, and the notes I had taken.
All in the attempt to unlock these secrets which these objects held. 
Their pictures spread out around me, note fluttering about there. 
Everyone that knew of my passion admired my ability to go the distance. 

But, with every answer I found cast another set of questions and a
deeper angle into the mystery. Within a short few years I had become 
something of a local expert at the import company, this worked well 
with them since I could authenticate something in under a day of 
examination. This allowed me to continue with my eccentric behavior and 
also gave a tidy sum into my pay. It was ironic that I made more from 
my examinations of things then I did from the occupation which I war 
originally assigned. 

It was sometime in late December that we received something that would
hold my interest to this day. From a small religious order that was 
established in the wilds of Egypt, we received what appeared to be a 
large lime stone statue of Anubus. The Jackal god of the dead. The damn 
thing towered over me about three feet, if not more. 

This statue was an automatic attraction to me for the simple fact that a
majority of the hieroglyphics, from what I could ascertain, were 
‘Necromantic’ spells from The Book Of the Dead. Of course, I did not 
tell my employer for the simple fact that he would have ordered the 
statue removed from the building. I recall that he was an overly 
superstitious man. 

With the proper equipment, and of course time, I was able to decipher a
majority of what they said nearly word for word. God, now I wish I 

That night was the night that the nightmare’s started. Things that no
sane man should be forced to witness or bare testament to. These things 
that were created by my mind had nothing to do  with God, they were 
infact themselves evil and relentless. And I prayed I would awaken... 


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