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SKYTREK - CHAPTER 13 (standard:humor, 3466 words) [13/15] show all parts
Author: Danny MiamiAdded: May 24 2010Views/Reads: 2145/1714Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Third last chapter of the comedy novel.


“Why is a Klinger like a fly? Because they both eat shit and irritate



CAPTAIN'S LOG : STARDATE 504.23 The Orion successfully travelled back
through the corridor inside the Black Hole and we returned to our own 
Universe. We are now heading towards Earth at Warped Speed to try and 
prevent it's destruction by Kharg and the Klingers. Lieutenant Youhoor 
is keeping a constant vigil at her monitors in the hope that we might 
intercept more coded messages from General Draygo to the Klinger fleet. 
After my announcement about Kharg's hypnotic powers and the distance 
his hypnosis can cover, the crew remain on the alert but so far there's 
been no sign of any more trouble. 


“Have you picked anything up yet, Lieutenant?” the Captain asked,
swivelling round in his chair. 

“Nothing so far, sir,” replied Youhoor. 

“Keep listening,” the Captain instructed. “There's still time.” 

As he was swivelling back in his chair, the bridge door swished open and
a frightened looking Ensign Cool stumbled in. He was carrying a large 
box and behind him Butch Bradley stood in the doorway, a deranged gleam 
in his eyes. 

Butch had discarded his uniform in favour of a black combat cap, black
jump suit and knee length black boots. A cigar was clamped between his 
teeth and his ivory handled laser pistols were in his hands. 

“Freeze mothers!” he yelled. 

Startled, the bridge crew looked up. 

“You're out of uniform, Mr Bradley,” the Captain said calmly. 

Butch sneered at him. “You're out of uniform, you mean!” he snapped then
glanced round. “You all are. This Unit is a damned disgrace. It's time 
it was kicked into shape and I'm just the man to do it. Yes sir, 
General Butch Bradley's just the man to do it. Pass round the proper 
uniforms,” he ordered the Ensign. 

“Mr Bradley, why don't we—“ the Captain began. 

Butch silenced him by squeezing off a short burst from one of his
lasers, disintegrating a small console. 

“Show some respect when you're addressing a senior officer, boy!” he
ordered. “It's General to you! Understand?” 

The Captain exchanged glances with Mr Sprock. “Yes General,” he replied.

“That's better,” said Butch, chewing on his cigar. “Haven't you started
passing round those uniforms yet!?” he yelled at Ensign Cool. 

Ensign Cool jumped then began moving round the bridge crew handing out
the new uniforms. These consisted of dresses, bras and panties, 
swimming costumes, some American football shirts and baseball caps. 

“Right – out of those scruffy rags and into your correct uniforms. Now!”
General Bradley yelled, squeezing off another short burst from one of 
his lasers. 

The bridge crew shrugged at each other and began peeling off their
uniforms and taking their new outfits, haphazardly handed to them by 
Ensign Cool. “He's obviously been hypnotised by Kharg,” Mr Sprock 
muttered to the Captain as they were changing. 

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This is part 13 of a total of 15 parts.
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