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James Bond and the Encounter with Swurm (standard:action, 2089 words)
Author: 007Added: Jan 01 2002Views/Reads: 3794/2567Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
This is A James Bond story about an evil agency that sells illegal weapons to anyone and is associating with the Russian Red Army.

James Bond in The Encounter with SWURM 

(Moscow, Russia) August 19, 1996/20:00 hours 

002 walked into the terrorist group's secret sanctum and hid 

behind some boxes, taking pictures of their new special weapons.  He 

heard a man in his fifties say in a deep raspy voice, "Welcome 

SWURM members."  A man about 30 years old said in a trembling voice, 

"Sir, what does SWURM mean?"  The obvious leader of SWURM said, "HA HA 

HA, it means Special Weapons United with the Russian Malisha, number 1 

show him what I think of people who do not pay attention."  Number 1 

then pulled out a 357 magnum and shot the man right between the eyes. 

002 said in a whisper, "M, this is 002 I have a report, 004 is dead and 

the terrorist group's name is SWURM, meaning Special Weapons United 

with the Russian Malisha.  I set explosives and took the pictures of 

the weapons and people involved, I am leaving now, bye."  M said, "Good 

Luck 002, Bye."  002 then crawled toward the pipe to escape above 

ground and pass on the information.  A terrorist fired at 002 and it 

whizzed past his head, then 002 turned around and shot him in the 

temple with a Walther PPK.  As he ran he fired at the terrorist, but 

before he could escape he was shot three times by an AK-47 in the 

chest by number 1. 

(MI6 headquarters London, England) August 20/08:00 hours 

009 went inside M's office and M said, "We sent 002 to Moscow 

to investigate the resent terrorist acts against England and America 

and he never reported that he escaped.  Therefore your mission is to 

rescue 002 if he is still alive and destroy SWURM, which means Special 

Weapons United with the Russian Malisha.  Good luck 009." 

(London International Airport) August 20/09:00 hours 

009 was driving to the London International Airport in his BMW 

750iL, when an assassin for SWURM shot out his left, rear tire with a 

Mac-10.  009 swerved right and stopped for only a split second, then 

his tire instantly had air in it again.  The assassin shot his rear 

bumper and his rear window with a Mac-10 once again, but the bullets 

just bounced off.  The assassin then tried to blow the car up by 

shooting the gas tank.  Another assassin drove in front of 009 and shot 

the front of the car with an uzi and threw a small, low powered mine on 

his car and it blew up, but the car was only lightly smoking.  009 shot 

the assassin's gas tank on the car in front of him and it blew up.  The 

police began chasing the remaining two cars.  009 swerved into the 

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