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The Plains of Beronima (standard:fantasy, 890 words) | |||
Author: Tim | Added: Apr 26 2002 | Views/Reads: 3452/2235 | Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes) |
A compilation of different accounts about the final battle of good versus evil. Includes views of both good and evil characters. | |||
Click here to read the first 75 lines of the story ***This ends the account of Valgar "Da' Big Boss had da human on his knees beggin fo' mercy. Dis' was supposedly one of da bettah humans but he couldn't match up to da Big Boss. He cut off his arm and his head and laughed at the funny attempt to kill him. "'Pitiful human,' he sez to da hummy, he says 'where's da one you call Peridan?' da' human points a scrawny finger off to da horses and dat's when da hummy's head comes off" ***This ends the account of Bloodfist the Cruel "Our War Dancers yelled crazily and took the foul ratmen head on. These beasts tried to fight back but the elegance and maneuver of the War Dancers was much too swift. Every claw, every tooth, met with open air. Several times, hoardes of rats found the War Dancers seeming to be everywhere at once. "Beaten and confused, the ratmen began to panic and flee when the Gray Seer Skreek sent a blast of green fire at the dancers and warpfire began killing them in waves. This was immediately countered by spells from Ariel of Loren and deadly accurate arrows from scouts and archers. It completed the panic of the rats and they scurried back to their holes in the ground. "The victory was short-lived as dragons closed in on us and Ogres charged the main calvary force who had apparently left their horses behind. Peridan was there." ***This ends the account of Zinkley Note: I will finish this when I get a chance. Tweet
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