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A Letter (standard:adventure, 1223 words)
Author: JugheadAdded: May 12 2002Views/Reads: 3457/2260Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A letter which may never reach the recipient

Dear Iris, 

Hope pushes me to grab a piece of dirty paper as well as a pen that has
almost run out of ink to write this letter to you. Even though you may 
not get this, I am positive that somebody else will. I just want to 
share my traumatic experience to someone who will listen, because I am 
lonely here. Everybody has died and I am trying my very best to 
survive. I do not know whether I will end up just like the people 
around me. However, I will hand everything to God, because I know that 
He has made some good plans for me. 

Do you still remember out promise about taking a leave from work and
having a vacation to a ‘special' place like Sahara Desert? Well, I have 
almost fulfilled my wish, but not in a happy-holiday mood. Here I am, 
in an unknown desert, with neither oasis nor any plant beyond my sight. 
I am suffering from the horrible hear of sun in the day and the extreme 
cold at night, but deep down inside, I feel cold. A sea of corpses lies 
ahead of me.  All are in miserable state and some have decayed. A sight 
of them will haunt me to the incident three days ago, which had taken 
people's lives, properties and love. The remains of Boeing 212 
Boulevard Airbus are so badly burnt until I cannot tell whether it used 
to be carrying over one hundred and fifty passengers on board. Why 
didn't I listen to your advice to take the next flight? Why must I be 
the only survivor? There are no answers to my questions above, except a 
fact that is left on my mind up till now—it is too late to regret what 
has happened. I have to face the reality and go through all the 
obstacles before getting back to my wonderful normal life. 

How everything had started. All I can recall now is that we had a nice
journey on board until the plane jerked a little about five hours after 
it had dived the sky. As usual, the chief stewardess announced through 
the speaker that seat belts must be fastened and that nobody should get 
out of the seats before the weather got better. I did not pay much 
attention to the announcement, as I was tired out of the long flight 
hours. Out of a sudden, the airbus jerked to the right and began to 
tilt down in full speed. The passengers panicked— the adults ran to the 
side doors of the plane with their life jackets on, but it was 
impossible to get out of the plane since there was no further 
instruction from the aircrew; the women and children were crying and 
shouting for help. It was a useless attempt since everybody on board 
was in danger; nobody was going to rescue them. I myself was still 
sitting on my seat, both hands clutched tightly and eyes shut 
forcefully. Cold sweat began to trail down on my neck. I spent the last 
few minutes of my life trying to imagine what would happen next, but I 
as too anxious to think of anything, even my family. Flame had entered 
the plane out of the blue, engulfing some passengers in the Business 
Class a few rows ahead of my seat. I knew that it would not be long 
before the plane exploded. A few minutes later, the airbus blasted. 
Screams could be heard everywhere. I did not know what happened next. 

I squinted my eyes after looking directly at the bright sun. Where am I?
Is this the Heaven or the Hell? I could feel the pain all over my body. 
I turned my head to the right. It was a difficult attempt, but it did 
not matter just as long as I knew where I was and how my condition was 
then. A few metres away from me, a little girl in pink dress, was lying 
motionlessly on the ground. Her right arm was gone, but strangely her 
left hand was still holding a mini Teddy Bear tightly. Tears began to 
flow from my eyes, making their way to my chin. Usually, I would have 
wiped them away because they gave me some funny feelings. This time, I 
let them off. A little girl, not more than ten, brought smile and her 
only possession to her death, despite her lost right arm. I had 
survived, with aches all over my body, but no smile was shown on my 
face, only tears trailed down on my cheeks. What a shame! 

After learning the lesson of the day, I went into a deep sleep. I had a
horrible nightmare—I had died on the same spot where I was, but my soul 
was still wondering around. I could see a group of rescue team walking 
towards my corpse. One of them felt my breath and shook his head 
towards his teammates in misery expression. The team began to move my 
body into a large black plastic bag. I had tried shouting at them that 
I had not died, but they seemed blind and deaf. I approached one of 
them and touched his shoulder, but he did not turn around and look at 
me. Before I realized that I was just a soul, I had wakened up. My 
breath came in fast and continuous pace, but I was glad that it was 
just a bad dream. There was no way that dream would come true. I must 

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