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Flashbacks Part I (standard:romance, 2115 words)
Author: SueDoo02Added: Nov 03 2002Views/Reads: 3447/2489Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A few teens find themselves in a 18th century victorian house. Passions sparks between themselves.

Part 1 

Jamie thought they should stay at the tents- the storm would probably
blow over, “I call it trespassing when there is a sign above the door 
that says NO TRESPASSING.” 

“But what if it doesn't ‘blow over'? We could be in big trouble,” Aubrey
argued. Her straight straw-berry blond hair was being tossed about in 
the wind. 

“Fine, we'll take a vote,” Josh said, “All those in favor of going in
the old place.” Three hands raised, Josh, Aubrey, and Chelsea. 

“Have it your way,” Kathy and Jamie followed the others across the wind,
overgrown field. “What if there isn't any food?” Chelsea asked. “We 
could all starve to death.” 

“We're not going to starve to death,” Jamie said. He was a tall teen
with strong muscles he got from lacrosse. He had curly brown hair and 
he was very tan. 

“If we get real hungry we can eat mice,” Josh teased Kathy who despised
rodents. “Ha Ha, funny,” Kathy retorted. 

“You know it is,” Josh picked her up as Kathy squealed with delight and
cried, “Stop! Put me down!” Josh was hoping to get Kathy's attention on 
the campout trip, and it was working. 

“Watch out or you're gonna trip,” Jamie warned, so Josh put Kathy down
when they reached the house. “Wow, this place is old,” Aubrey awed when 
she opened the door. 

“I just hope it lasts when the storm comes,” Chelsea brushed passed her.
“I'm checking for food.” Everyone followed her into the kitchen. 

“There's no fridge,” Josh awed. “Not even a stove, just a fire place.” 

“Those are recent inventions,” Aubrey told him. “I bet this house is
like 200 years old. Maybe even ghosts.” “BOO!” Jamie screamed behind 

“Ah! Jamie!” Aubrey screeched and turned around to scold him. 

“FOOD!” Chelsea cried, pulling out three cans of soup from a rusted
pantry. “Who likes chicken noodle?” 

“Don't eat it now,” Aubrey commanded. “If that's all the food, shouldn't
we spread it out over how long we'll be here? ” “A storm doesn't last 
that long, Aubrey,” Chelsea argued. 

“A HURRICANE does, it can last for 3 days!” Aubrey stated. 

“Let's just eat when we get hungry,” Jamie put the cans back. Thunder
rumbled outside and the house was engulfed in rain. 

“Is this house safe?” Kathy asked. 

“I dunno,” Josh answered, “Lets go see upstairs.” Finally time alone
with Kathy, he thought. “Are you scared?” 

“Kind of, is this going to be a really bad storm?” More thunder. 

“Could be,” Josh and Kathy reached the top of the stairs, it was dark
and they had no light. They wandered down the all and found a third 
floor. Lighting flashed outside as they climbed those. “Wow this place 
is pretty cool”, Josh felt the red velvet carpet that extended the 
length of the hallway. Lighting flashed and Josh saw a lighter on the 
hallway table and he grabbed it up. “Where's a candle?” 

“All along the walls,” Kathy told Josh as he felt along the wall.
Finally he came to a candle stuck on the wall and lit it. Dim light 
aluminates the hall. Josh went to the next candles and lit those too. 

“Let's go in this room,” Josh lit a portable candle and opened the door.
It was a bedroom with an attached bathroom that connected to another 

Click here to read the rest of this story (255 more lines)

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