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The Day After (standard:fantasy, 2671 words)
Author: PeachiePieAdded: Jan 19 2003Views/Reads: 3056/2115Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
This is the second chapter of september 11th. Not any of this chapter is true or any of the characters are real life people.

The Day After 

If you read September 11 you know this chapter is 100% fantasy.  Joe and
Aleshia did escape the building but not any of these events are true. 

Soon the Doctors and the Counselor left the room.  Joe & Aleshia lay
with arms around each other and wept.  Her Mom & Dad wanted then to 
stay together.  The Counselor told her Mom for now she felt secure in 
his arms.  Soon she would be over that but they couldn't rush her.  It 
had to be on her time frame and no one else.  The saddest part Joe 
needs her as much as she needs him. 

The kids are exhausted let them cry their self to sleep.  The next few
days will appear a lot of nightmares.  When each one awakes after these 
nightmares I would like for them to be in each other's arms.  They went 
through this together and we have to bring them out of this together. 

Aleshia should be ready to recover at home in a couple of days.  Joe
will need some therapy for his burns.  We are trying to find a place 
for him now but every place is full.  We can't keep him admitted in the 
hospital.  Mom asked, “What about his family, why isn't anyone here for 

The Counselor replied, “That's what I wanted to talk to you about now. 
Please Mr. & Mrs. Rice have a seat?  I will have a nurse check on the 
kids while I talk to you. 

In minutes the nurse returned and said, ”They are sound asleep.  I will
have someone sit with them until one of you can return”. 

“The next few days are going to be almost impossible for Joe to bear”
replied the counselor.  “There are two reasons why we wanted the kids 
in the room together.  There is about a 60% chance of Joe going into a 
deep depression and with his burns we could lose him”. 

This terrified Alice Rice and in tears she cried, “We couldn't let that
happen. We know all planes are grounded. We will drive and get Joe's 
parents.  Please find out where he is from”. 

Then Alice felt Jack's arms tighten around her. She looked in the
Counselor's eyes. Alice & Jack saw a tear form in her eyes and slowly 
stream down her cheek. 

The Counselor could hardly hold back the tears as she spoke.  She said,
“We found out last night Joe is 23 years of age. He is from Chicago. 
His parents are millionaires.  They are in the retail business.  Joe is 
a big part of that business.  That is why he was here in New York.  He 
had been here a couple of days and he was to meet his Mom & Dad at the 
airport that terrible day. September 11th”. 

“Joe has an Aunt in Chicago, his mom's sister” she replied.  “Joe's Aunt
is not well.  She is in a nursing home in Chicago, In fact she owns a 
chain of nursing homes”.  She said, “They were a very quiet and close 
family, especially Joe.  He doesn't want anyone to know about his 
fortune.  He wants people to love him for what he is and not who he is. 
Once he finds out you know who he really is it will be difficult to get 
close to him”. 

“Today when he is in Aleshia's arms we have to tell him his Mom & Dad
were on the plane that hit the trade center. They are gone,” sadly she 
replied  “When we tell him we just as well put a gun to his head and 
pull the trigger. It will kill him”. 

Alice said, “You don't know our Aleshia.  Joe carried her 94 flights of
stairs through fire and would have given his life anytime for hers. You 
watch her pack Joe now.  You won't pry them lose with a pry bar. Can 
you arrange for Joe to go home with us when they are released?  My 
little girl will be at his side if it takes 2 weeks or 20 years”. 

Aleshia's Mom & Dad went directly back the room. Quietly they entered
and the nurse walked to the door to meet them.  “She is resting but 
once and awhile she will cry out in her sleep and I don't know if Joe 
realizes it but he holds her and says I'm here, go back to sleep, I 
will take care of you. He is going to be very protective of her.  Even 
in his sleep he watches over her,” replied the nurse. 

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