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Murder For Dessert (standard:mystery, 1430 words)
Author: LadybugAdded: Jan 30 2003Views/Reads: 3838/2412Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Sherry Wesston loved her job working as a waitress at 'J's Diner.' The only challenge was her boss, J. Muckworm. He could have been 'Scrooge's' distant relative.


"What? You don't understand English?" her boss, J. Muckworm spoke
harshly in a loud whisper behind the counter at the young, slightly 
dazed waitress.  "I'm sorry Mr. Muckworm, the customer asked me to 
check if there was any packs of peach jelly in the back." 

"If you would have told me we were down to our last one, I would have
ordered more.  Now get out there and wait on tables!" his eyes bulged 
whenever he was angry. 

Sherry Wesston, the newest employee of 'J's Diner' was by far the
prettiest one of the female staff, and the most friendliest.  Many of 
the patrons were repeat customers who made it part of their daily 
routine to stop in for a bite to eat on their way to or from work. 

"Ole' Muckworm is on the warpath again?" asked Dianne, a middle aged
woman with long dark hair pulled back in a ponytail which revealed her 
high cheek bones, heavily rouged with make up, and a light shade of 
green eye shadow which brought out the sparkle in her emerald colored 

"It's okay," Sherry smiled weakly, "He's right you know, I should have
told him we were getting low on peach jelly so he could have added it 
to his shopping list."  Sherry glanced up and saw Kyle Barnum, the head 
cook staring at her from behind the counter.  She blushed slightly as 
she smiled at him, "Good morning Kyle!" 

"Good morning Sherry," the handsome man responded softly as he studied
her expressions, the way her blue eyes twinkled when she was happy and 
excited; the way her moist, full lips pouted when she was sad or 
disappointed.  Many times he had wanted to ask her out, but always lost 
his nerve when given the opportunity. 

"Hey pretty boy! Get your head out of the clouds and get a mop!  There's
a puddle of gravy that this dumb female spilled all over the floor!"  
the boss was shouting, not caring who overheard him.  Kyle looked up 
and noticed the spill and the shyest waitress, Marie, with short dark 
hair holding a large empty metal container trying to hold back tears of 
embarrassment.  "I'm sorry!" she apologized as she grabbed several 
napkins to clean the counter. 

Kyle's eyes narrowed as he headed towards the back to get a mop.  Marie
hurried on the floor to clean tables as Sherry approached her with a 
tray of empty dishes.  "Don't worry hon, it was an accident," she 
whispered.  Marie gave her a smile of appreciation for her kindness, 

Sherry was carefully watching her step on the newly mopped floor when
the boss barked direct orders at her, causing her to loose her footing. 
 She felt her feet begin to slide from underneath her and knew she 
couldn't avoid the fall.  Strong arms reached out, and wrapped 
themselves around her waist.  Sherry was held suspended in Kyle's 
protective arms.  "Thank you!" she breathed in his ear as her head 
slumped against his shoulder. 

Chapter 2 

Several weeks later 

It was Sherry's turn to close the store.  She had made certain all
monies were counted for, and locked in the safe which was kept in Mr. 
Muckworm's office.  She turned the lights out, set the alarm, and 
locked the door.  The mid-August heat was weakening. The humidity was 
thick and gave her the impression of being covered with a wool blanket 
while inside a steamy sauna. 

She was glad to work in an air conditioned restaurant, even though Mr.
Muckworm complained about the high energy bills. 

Sherry was suddenly aware of someone's presence.  Turning around she
didn't see anyone and decided she was hallucinating.  As she approached 
her 2002 navy blue Hyundai Sonata, she dropped her keys. 

Sherry stooped down to retrieve them, and saw another hand snatching up

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