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Annie (standard:fantasy, 64634 words)
Author: PeachiePieAdded: Feb 27 2003Views/Reads: 3385/2598Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A story of a little girl left on the steps of an orphanage and the mysterious family that loved and adopted her.

“   Annie “ Chapter 1 

Once upon a time in a large city up north was a Christian Church that
operated a low budgeted orphanage.  There were 30 kids living there and 
it was the only home they knew. The youngest child living there was 
called Annie.  She was 4 years old and had been there about 3 years. 
When she was about a year old on a summer day morning Annie was found 
on the porch of the orphanage. She was wearing shoulder harness 
fastened to the door so she couldn't wander off.  With her was a bottle 
of milk, a blanket to sit on and a quart jar of change that amounted to 
about $25.00.  There was a note that read, 

“This is Annie.  I am her mom and I cannot take care of her. I leave
with her all I have. Please take care of her for me and teach her about 
Jesus. Yesterday I found out I have cancer with only a few weeks to 
live.  I have no family to turn too, and after a lot of prayer I was 
lead to you. I cannot stand the thought of her being placed in a state 
orphanage. Please take care of her and love her, as she was your own”. 

Now Annie is 4 years old and the wishes of her mom was seen to the best
they could do with the funds that was available. The lady that had 
taken care of her the last 4 years name was Miss Watkins. On the days 
the weather permitted all the kids would find a toy and go out front of 
the home and play. This was a very busy street, so the yard was fenced 
in. All the other kids would play. Annie would ask Miss Watkins if she 
could play dress up and go to the fence and watch people pass by. This 
broke Miss Watkins heart because this little girl had only one dress 
and it was not for playing, but when she saw those beautiful little 
eyes, quietly pleading she could not say no. 

Miss Watkins said, “Yes, but only if she sat very quietly and did not
tare it”. 

Miss Watkins knew this would be no problem for Annie because she was
always very quiet. Instead of a toy she wanted her piece of clean paper 
that each child received each day. Then she wanted to borrow a crayon. 
She turned away and wrote this line, “I, LOVE YOU”. When she finished 
she gave the crayon back. Miss Watkins was so confused and she had no 
idea what this beautiful little girl was thinking. There she stood with 
her one and only dress on at playtime with a paper that read I Love 
You. Then she asked for a small length of yarn. Unaware Miss Watkins 
was watching Annie rushed to the fence, she found a small stone and 
tied the yarn to the stone and tied the paper to the yarn. Very 
carefully she pushed the paper out under the fence and rushed away so 
no one could see her and not get dirty. 

She watched hundreds of people walk by but no one picked it up. About
two hours later a little tear in her eye she saw the wind blow her note 
from the rock and disappear. Miss Watkins had seen everything that had 
happened and a very sad little girl came to her and asks to change out 
of her little dress. Miss Watkins was disappointed that day too because 
at the end of that street was a big office building with hundreds of 
people working and on a warm and pretty day hundreds of people passed 
by and not one taking time to pick up that paper. 

The next day Annie asked Miss Watkins for the same thing but this day
she had drawn pictures of Moms & Dads walking and on the inside she 
wrote, “I LOVE YOU. The end of that day a sad little girl would return 
and ask to change her clothes. She would return to her room and in her 
prayers she would thank Jesus for Miss Watkins and her paper and 
crayons. Then she would ask Jesus to make her a good girl so people 
would love her. 

Now three days had passed and when Annie asked for her dress, a piece of
yarn and a piece of paper. This time Miss Watkins wrote at the top on 
the inside. “FOREVER WHO FINDS THIS” She read to Annie what she wrote 
and this little girl wrote under it, “I LOVE YOU”. With a smile Annie 
rushed off tied her note to the stone pushed it under the fence and hid 
and waited. 

Just in a few minutes she saw a man coming. He wore a suit and packed a
briefcase. Annie watched him walk right by her note, but suddenly he 
stopped and came back. He picked up the note and read it. He looked in 
the yard of kids but all he saw was kids playing. He put the note and 
rock in his pocket and walked on toward the office building.  Annie 

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