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One Ramble Amidst the Many (standard:other, 292 words) | |||
Author: SilverWolf | Added: Apr 24 2003 | Views/Reads: 3397/2183 | Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes) |
just a little poem | |||
How can I begin to describe? Insides churning Mind in trumoil No, better to wait... Why, what do you fear? Rejection, failure; you've had these before... But...cannot handle that anymore Scared Don't think I could take another break Virginal in certain aspects None knowing Seen as a great Feel like failing; no good How do you feel? Cannot describe Such a strong pull.... Thoughts and heart collide, Random images and hopes Shot to pieces by imhumanity Fragility is complete Though not apparent Image exists, Longing to erase pain Ease hatred and enable hope Still the fear exists... Why so strong? What have I done to deserve this? I paid my debt Regretting past actions daily No respite, Though my heart has changed I am glass Made with such beautiful and wonderous intent So fragile, and weak Seen as strong, Wishing only for peace Happiness and love These are not for me Click here to read the rest of this story (61 more lines)
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